Thursday, February 01, 2007
okie, if ur are wondering why so many entries in a day,
with such short intervals, its because i am dead bored ..
find that blogging is a good way to kill time ..
i have no idea what to blog about, so maybe i shall blog about my life?
for tonight, it would be about since the day i was taken back to this family.
mostly would be about school life in the end.
the time now would be 14:22pm.
well yes, for those who are wondering, taken back to this family?
hmmm, how do i put it, due to financial diffculties,
my aunty helped her brother, my dad, take care of
his 2nd and 3rd son, my elder bro and me.
after a while, when my family kinda stabilised financially,
my parents wanted me back, so i came back.
okie, first thing that that struck me back then was getting used to this family.
i was brought up in my aunt's family for the first 11 years of life,
where i was pretty much pampered and led a good life.
everything was prepared for me, i didn't have to lift a finger.
so when i came over to my family, i was thrown with house work
and stuff and i had something like a cultural shock, just wasn't used to it.
we were too poor for a maid back then, so everyone chipped in for the house work.
i was primary 6 back then, that made marcus somewhere in sec 4 or poly first year,
martin in pri 3 and vanessa in pri 1.
vanessa was obviously too young, and being the youngest, she kinda relaxed.
martin would help my mum fold clothes, besides that he was reading the papers.
he read the straits times since pri 1, and simply used the dictionary whenever
he encountered any words he didn't understand.
my job was to vacuum the floor of the house everytime i got home,
before we had the vacuum cleaner, i used the broom, like duh.
dad, mopped the floor, he and marcus, washed the clothes.
mum was in charge of monitoring our studies and the other basic stuff in the house.
so life basically was the same everyday for me for a few years.
woke up, went to school, came home, did house work,
did SOME school work haha, than watched a bit of TV,
hit the bed by 9 or 930 i think.
yeah, that was life.
orh we had toys haha, let me see, our toys were hhaha, very not like toys.
me and martin's favourite toy was our chess set, all the guys in the family played chess.
melvin was in the catholic high sec sch team for chess club,
marcus beat the president of the chess club and got in,
i was in swimming, martin won his way into the chess club as well,
and they all went for competitions.
so we played chess almost every night haha, trained each other.
we even used the clock from those competitions.
if you win your elder bro, you get 10 dollars hahahah.
oh, melvin wasn't with us by then, thats why he would rarely be mentioned.
yeah, so thats pretty much our life.
than i pretty badly for my PSLE, score 206 or 211 ..
dad was mad at me so was mum, cause i didn't managed to enter a convant school.
instead i landed up in yio chu kang secondary, a school with a notorius reputation during their time for stuff like gang fights.
i still remember, dad was speeding in his toyota corona cause he was mad at me.
and he was shouting his head off in the car all the way.
at that time, the only thing i could think of was how to escape whatever he would
use to whack me when we got home hahaha.
we grew up with the cane and belt as our feared toy hahah.
and dad's heavy palms as well.
so a days passed, went for the sec 1 orientation, CCA choosing day.
dad wanted to make sure i didn't enter a screwed up CCA
which would have a higher chance of exposing me to those ah bengs.
so he saw the band than he just say, british conductor sure very strict,
you go and sign up for the band.
i hated music to the core, and was finding every reason i could to not join it.
in the end, dad says so, so mitchell just do.
and yeah, after a while, he had to tell me to stop going for band band band.
and i was finding every reason i could to go for band hahaha.
but i was more, rebelious and elusive, so i could still sneak my way
for self practice at the band room, that was sec 1 sec 2.
haha, swapped clarinet parts just to make my clarinet work cause i received a spoilt one.
in the end i landed up with a combination of plastic and wood,
yamaha, buffet, bundy and a brandless bell hahaha.
there was a missing pad on one of the keys,
i simply dug out a similiar pad from someone elses instrument,
and UHU glued it to mine hahaha.
did that for charles too.
than Mr cable placed me beside mervyn, my already best friend in sec 1.
he played the oboe, and after a while i sounded like an oboe.
so he placed me beside amanda, a beautiful senior, one year older.
hmmm, what else, oh yeah, band was chaos all the way.
even more so when ther wasn't a conductor,
we practically didn't know what was going on.
than came one of my first few crushes, the girl who makes silver keys turn yellow.
at that time, my best friends were, lawsonn and eng seng.
partly because we were in the same class.
challenged each other to study, spurred each other on.
anyway, me and lawsonn were checking out the new arrivals in band, the girls mainly.
than i singled out this one girl, and i said to him, who is that girl?
do you know her? help me get some info.
that was the first timei did such a thing, i think she was the first.
and he got the hint and he did some monkey business and things happen.
sparks started flying, but in the end i said no, what a wet blanket.
lawsonn asked why, i could still remember.
i simply told him, my dad la, dad said no GF till after your O lvls.
lawsonn immediately understood, he saw my "battle" scars before.
after each session, and if i had PE the next few days,
i would hide in a cubicle whenever i had to change my shirt.
there was once, i had this super deep belt mark across my entire back diagonally.
caused by a single hit from the belt, my back looked like a crater had just
scraped through it.
lawsonn found out while the 3 of us were changing, cause i couldn't wear my shirt properly.
was too painful to remove my shirt, had to stretch the skin.
than he told lu ping, my 2nd crush, and she was like, awww.
ok, for once a scar paid off hahaha.
hmmm, sec 4, the wildest period of my sec school life, also the period where i changed
from a quiet boy to one that couldn't stop chatting.
sec 4, i was like a bee going from flower to flower enjoying myself.
it was also the time that a few teachers threaten to remove me from band.
yes even during the O level exams, i was meeting girls from other schools
and having the time of my life with them.
that was where i pretended alot, learned how to read their actions,
learned how to treat them properly, learned how to go out, how to get to places,
how to melt them and twist them around my finger, learned how to get them
give what i wanted hahaha, i was a jerk.
during the O lvl period i had 1 GF, and 1 before that,
but during the time when the O lvls ended till the day poly started,
i had 5 or 6, and a few flings which couldn't be counted as gf.
no sex involved though, i wasn't so daring yet.
and those pictures they showed us in sec school, man i dun wanna pee with that.
purely disgusting.
yeah, so thats one part for girls.
the part i really enjoyed in sec school though, was my band life.
still remember the exchanges with DH, hahaha.
YCK's bus was always bustling with life on the journey to the exchange place.
on the return trip, almost everyone would be like, haiz sian.
the first time we heard trittico, we got a shock and were pretty much amused haha.
we heard the trumpet up there and we were like, yeee, psycho.
pretty fun, and than there was the period of the changing of conductors.
a group of seniors opposed the changing of conductors,
they didn't welcome mr ng as he new conductor, or rather, they couldn't accept the
idea of the school changing conductors.
that time was bad, we had no proper conductor, everyone just wasted away.
our learning process was stagnant, and our standard was dropping.
worst thing was, politics was at its peak, was too young to understand what it was all about.
all i cared was that i had fun.
so after a while, the new con came, that being mr ng.
and i think on the second prac he brought many many plastic bags,
and we were like oooo ahhhh, thinking it was gonna be fun.
what came out ? SBT, otto languey, and we came to yucks it in a short time.
than SYF !! hahaha, thanks to the sars period we had more time to train.
pure fun, playing from memory in the dark at VCH,
learning about color change.
i remember this particular practice at VCH, based on chords,
we created mountains, valleys, rivers, the sun and all.
mr ng explained and brought the notes to life.
i think that happened because we understood and that was a result
of him breaking down everything.
and not to forget the marching we had to do, drills and sectionals.
debbie our clarinet SL, took us sectionals.
one day she just broke down and started crying.
so did amanda for some other reasons.
only think i could tell her was,
dont cry already, see, cry le not pretty, eyes so red.
and she couldn't help but laugh at me because i was trying to cheer her up.
she probably found me innocent, i found it amusing she could cry over that reason.
years later i would come to understand why, and experience it myself.
anywya, thats life after i returned back to my family,
mainly on sec school, pretty boring typing it out but at least i killed some time.
its 318am already, thats one hour gone.
shall stop here, maybe continue poly life when i am bored again hahahahahah.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 02:20