Tuesday, February 13, 2007
hello ladies and gentleman .. okie, thats a maddy not me opening lol ..haiz, i still cant figure you out ahaha, maybe because my mind is notfunctioning at its best now ..hmmm, diverting my brain power to the wrong things now ..such as this, figuring out a girl hahah ..sun tze, know your enemy and half the battle is won ..so if i dunch try to figure you out, i wouldn't really be able to progress much ..though i would still be able to do so, i would deem it too slow ..dun like slow progress, actually, i wouldn't even call it progress since its slow ..hmmmm, girls girls girls hahah ..hahah, she made an interesting observation ..dunch know how true is it ahahah, and if it is, to what extend ..guys with curly leg hairs, tend to be more horny than their straighter hair male horny comrades ..okie side tracked a bit hahah ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:10