Saturday, February 10, 2007
okie i am super tired, super super super tired ..think i'll be dead pretty early tonight, i think ..wanna watch 3 movies, Protege,Perfume - a murderer's story,and Apocalyto ..think i might be watching protege with my cousins on CNY ..we usually end up watching a movie hahah ..everything was fine today ..went to band, stomach gave a bit of problems think it was gastric ..played a bit on my instrument, than played badminton ..pespired like no body's business,luckily i managed to dry my shirt using the hand dryer in the gents ..cause we went out after that, dinner than games again haha, there's meeting tomorrow, have not prepared my some stuff i think ..arrrggggghhhhhhh, i really dunch know, cant think clearly now ..maybe i should just take a good rest, wake up early tomorow and sort things out ..i am really curious as to what St James power house is like ..think i must go there one day, take a look at it ..okay stopping here, not feeling well, its getting worst ..need a rest ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:58