Wednesday, February 28, 2007
waiting for samual to fetch me with the unmbrella hahah ..didn't wanna get drenched by the rain, it was a little heavy ..
everyone is practicing on their own or with their section mates and pals ..entire corridor, from the band room to the toilet,occupied by band members hahahha ..
my section hard at work, hongki leading the sectionals ..
this is what is in marcus's wallet hahah ..the face of our minister mentor, which is also his idol ..
this is marcus getting on the kiddy ride, funny guy ..
got bored, was resting, so took pictures of genevis horn ..this is one of them, think i got her name wrong ..
alright today was great hahah ..went to band today, practiced on my clarinet ..practiced Utopia, Moorish pirates and The Seventh Seal ..than moved on to other songs, played them for the fun of it ..watched sam play Weber concerto 1, than James Barnes 3, 3rd mvt ..okie, we took a break, he accompanied me for a drink ..than we went on to watch the clarinets have sectionals ..scolded them a bit, dunno if i made them sad but i cant be bothered ..when things such as these are not done properly and everyone is so slack ..they need to be smacked awake with the truth, so i just gave it to them wasn't just scolding all the way of cause, explained to them certain stuff,and there was laughter too hahha, there should be a balance i believe ..cant have fun all the time neither can u drill them all the time yeah, there was about it, wai geng helped took sectionals too,conducted them and corrected their mistakes as well ..some parts i wanted to bring forward a solution, than just waited, hahaha, and he would implement it after a while, so i would be like, wahahha, save my saliva le haha a way its good too, cause then i could help marcus with his part ..advise and guide him since he was playing alone on that stand ..guys if your are reading this, remember one thing, no matter how strong a player you are as an indivual, you are only as strong as the weakest player in the section work hard together, help each other and your will be even better players yourself, a band is a team effort thing,not just the work of one person ..went out with marcus and samual to J8 after band, went shoelace hunting ..wanted to try out different shoelaces, see how does it affect the tone ..i was just thinking, is it correct to say that, assuming the player plays correctly,technique and stuff, and he uses an equipment that happens to dampen the projection, does it also cause a mellower sound ?like fabric ligature as compared to metal ..metal can be very shrill and bright as compared to fabric types ..well, was just wondering ..anyway, we sort of bullied marcus all the way even at J8 ..than we were disturbing each other all the way, seriously marcus is corrupted ..hahah, anyway, his mind twitches pretty fast so it was damn fun ..the way he countered samual haha ..for example, samual "suaned" him, tried to put him down, all jokes of cause,but what would happen in the end would be that samual wouldfall into marcus's trap and be "suaned" instead ..and the end result, samual would be laughing at himself knowingly somemore ..for example, one funny incident was ..marcus : samual, your brain will worth more after this ..samaual : why leh ?marcus : because a brain that hasn't been used before worths more hahah ..than samual just laughed and laughed non stop along with me and marcus ..of cause i had the fun of disturbing marcus without being disturbed hahah ..than there was another incident at the mini-toons shop when you enter, the staff would greet you or something right, welcome to minitoons what marcus did was he replied them, right after they greeted he went, HELLO !!and went we left, he went, BYE !! and why they dun greet you good bye one haha ..kk, what else, oh yeah, sam took a video all the way from the school to the Anderson JC bus stop ahaha, kept disturbing him with the unmbrella ..and we were laughing in the bus, when the driver suddenly braked ..marcus's hand hitted samual's face ahha, and his lips were cutted ..than samual was like staring at marcus like he wanted a fight, there was blood haha ..than we ended laughing again in the end hahah ..ok, marcus did scare the hell out of me when we alighted from the bus at J8 ..he was like, oh shit where is my clarinet?than i was like, dun tell me u lefted it on the bus u idiot, faster go back for it ..than he was like, oh ya, i left it in school, i remember liao hahah ..damn, what the hell, he is always like this ..hmm, well, good section bonding, joked alot, though most of the timeit was at the expense of either samual or marcus, but i am pretty ok with it haha la, play is play, just have a limit to it can le ..oh, we took the train from bishan back to where ever we wanted to alight marcus called his dad at bishan asking him to fetch him home,his dad asid ok he would wait at yio chu kang mrt ..when we were at ang mo kio mrt, his dad called asking him where was he and stuff ..think his dad must have asked which is his train because marcus reply was :"oh my train is the white one" -_-" all the trains are white on that line hahahah ..and he told his dad 30 secs time he would be down like 3, 4 times since we lefted AMK station till when the train passed Deyi Sec ..i was like, you told your dad 30 secs and we have not even reached nanyang poly, your dad is sure gonna kill you right ..his reply was no la wont one, i will tell my dad i love you and i'll give him a hug ..than i said ya, and he'll say i love you too thats why i need to teach u a lesson right?than he went no la, he will hug me and say i love you too son ..what the hell hahah ..seriously we were laughing all the way la hahah ya, that was about it for today i realised that my appetite has increased big time ..well thats good but there's a problem, i eat a meal a day only, thats dinner ..and another problem, there isn't always enough dinner if i am late now, my stomach is growling and growling ..think i shall cook some noodles or something later ..and man i feel like having beef everyday, or maybe lean pork or chicken meat ..either have it grill / BBQed / fried or something, edible can le hahah ..but yeah, i wanna have meat everyday, lesser rice, change my diet ..see what would happen ..oh i remember now, there are slices of fish in the freezer ..those pre-prepared ones from NTUC haha, shall cook it with the leftover rice ..damn i am really really hungry, shall end here ..nailed number 2 already hahah to you if you are reading this, i am missing you sweety pie !!! see you soon k? hugs and kisses from your lover boy ahahah ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:22