Notes N Wheels

Thursday, March 01, 2007

i cant believe it, i actually found that cafe cartell girl on friendster ..
couldn't get to sleep again, was pretty bored so i decided to search her name ..
was browsing through the search results ..
than i saw hers hahaha, was like OMG OMG OMG ..
immediately smsed shawn ahahahaha ..
if this one is on, cheers to the other two man hahah ..
i'll wield this one instead of using nails hahah ..
she's pretty in her own way la, all girls are, each and everyone of your are ..
its just how your look at yourselves ..
you might not see it but does that mean it doesn't exist?
you may not be very pretty or handsome to yourself,
but the world might view it differently ..
there's a reason why we are all made to look different
unless have a twin or more hahah, but still each twin is different ..
anyway, looks dont count much to me ..
they are just there for first impression, to attract the opposite gender ..
ultimately, what really counts for me, would be the girls's
heart, soul and character ..
i always tell martin, you can have the prettiest girl on earth,
but if she has a black heart and behaves like a bitch ..
would you be happy being with her ?
a simple girl would do fine for me hahah, i dunch need no Beyonce ..
anyway, interesting that i could actually find her account ..
there was another that looked pretty much like her and that confused me ..
well, testimonials are there for a reason,used it loh hahah ..
managed to identify the correct one ..
how did i know who was the right one ? simple ..
one testimonial mentioned working at Bishan J8 Cafe Cartell ..
just use your eyes to search for information loh ahahah ..
re-did my friendster profile hahaha, took down the bad boy pictures le ..
including those with my bad boy friends hahaha ..
but it was time to tidy up anyway, since i have decided to change again ..
its just like a lobster you know, its moults away its old layer of shell ..
after the process is done it moves away as quickly as possible
because the new layer is still soft and therefore it has no protection ..
yeah, so i am getting rid of the old layer, the rackless wild side ..
and am trying to "escape to some where safe",
over here i am just with holding information from new people ..
if they dun see these information there's lesser chances of them
knowing about that part of my life right ..
at the same time, now is the time for the new layer to take over ..
oh yeah, the lobster consumes its old layer of shell for i think protein,
this amount of protein helps its new shell form well and strong ..
okie, hope things go well for the new number 1, oops ..
i think number 1 and 2 has to become number 2 and 3 le ..
sorry, old one dont go new one cant cant right hahah ..
shit i just realised this would be 3 timing hahahahah ..
must see whether can get her first la duh ..
and right now i cant calculate out anything ..
i think its gonna take a few months for anything ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:37


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