Thursday, March 01, 2007
okie, took this picture from my room while waiting for the rain to stop ..thats one of the engineering army vehicles ..
don't your think the mind can be such a powerful and tricky thing ?
a very small little thing compared to what it is capable of conceiving haha
such a small thing can be so complex on its own ..
anyway was just thinking, thinking about it while we were on our way to dinner ..
they were talking about some brain stuff, and i just thought of that ..
hmmm, didn't practice anything today, didnt have the time ..
dont think i would be able to practice much tomorrow as well ..
gonna go for some job stuff, getting a job, earn some cash ..
oh ya, its wei xiong's birthday tomorrow, and yeah, they are gonna chiong i guess ..
dunch think i wanna go though, there would be the job thing,
gonna be carrying my clarinet too, and maybe spend the rest
of the day with my other buddies, healthier buddies haha ..
anyway, suddenly dunch feel like going to those places for a while ..
though its not always so often that i visit those places but its
just not me or what i wanna be, the life style u know ..
maybe once in a while chill out with some close friends i wont mind ..
however if its too often, i will go mad la hahah, must have moderation ..
hope the job thing would turn out fine ..
its been 3 weeks since i first asked dad for cash for my driving lessons ..
and i still have not gotten a single cent, thats one reason i always
ask for my pocket money a few days before the month is over ..
all the guys in my family are pretty bad with cash matters ..
paying up, managing, everything hahah, whatever we have, it goes ..
only my parents have savings hahaha ..
martin gets like nearly 10 bucks a day, where does it go to?
his stomach, he eats it all away ..
marcus, cant borrow cash from him, cause his bank is pretty empty ..
what ever he has, he would use it up before the month ends, like me ..
me, same as marcus hahah ..
you know what, its pretty ironic ..
last time when marcus was in poly, he used to borrow money from me ..
and i would be thinking to myself, how does he spend all that cash ..
now its my turn, i am finding myself broke, and thinking,
where on earth did i spend on that money? hahahah
how on earth did i spend all that money? hahahah
seriously i really dunch know, but i do know i spend hell alot
on transport and food hahah, i like to snack alot alot alot hahahah ..
darn i am damn hungry again ..
trying very hard not to eat when i am outside, spend on drinks only ..
however i do give in at times cause its like, there no food in the house
in the morning, so i cant eat before i leave house ..
and when i am outside, i skip lunch unknowingly, ok miss lunch,
dun feel hungry so its just goes by ..
so if i am still out by dinner time, i surely have to eat, and when i am back home ..
like now, i would still be hungry hahahah ..
however its an improvement in cutting cost, eat one meal outside only ..
my transport costs are stll pretty high, it would be even higher in the future,
and things would get way more complicated ..
if i do get my license, than dad would get a car, means petrol,
means big hole in pocket, means no money for other stuff ..
and if i dont try the damn machine, means dad complain,
means still got to drive once in a while, means burn petrol, means burn pocket ..
shit shit shit, so i am delaying now hahah, taking my time with my driving haha ..
but i am pretty squeezed by the risk of entering army earlier ..
gotta find a way to squeeze everything in, 3 things in ..
get my license before entering army if i do ..
get a job and still be able to take driving lessons ..
still have time on sundays for band, sats gotta really squeeze le haiz ..
not to forget that there's alumni band practice coming soon ..
well, thats just time management isn't it?
arghhh, my head is going mad, its feeling very very weird ..
i dunch know whether its pain or what, i seriously cant identufy this feeling ..
it just feels weird, really weird ..
and i dunch feel like stepping on 3 boats at a time really ..
one wave and i would fall straight into the sea hahah ..
think i shall stop soon, 1feet 3 boats, man i gotta be big foot to do that hahah ..
alternatively, i can make all 3 gel together and become like sisters
when there is 3 of them la hahaha, but thats in my dreams hahah ..
shit its really making me go mad that feeling ..
its a little faint and its pulsating over a general area of my head ..
more to the left though and i cant really concerntrate so ya,
think i shall stop here for tonight, it sucks ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:39