Friday, April 06, 2007
wanted to blog after i had my bath earlier on ..ended up chatting on the line with my friend for like over an hour yeah, blogging now, time doesn't matter cause i am free tomorrow ..okie i remembered what is it le, actually 2 things is, i find it easier to trust someone i just know, rather than to trust another someone that i have know for a longer time, sometimes ..guess its because i know more of that person to realise that that personis untrustworthy in certain areas ..the other is, i feel like lasering awway my current tattoo ..than do a new one, a japanese girl in kimono with a fan hiding the rest of her fact below her eyes ..okie, its just a feel like hahaha ..okie, worked like 1 to 11 today, again ..yet i am not tired at all, still quite energetic ..if my feet could endure more of my body weight, i would be jogging already ..but yeah, the long hours standing has taken its toll ..never mind tomorrow's a rest day ahhah, was thinking of something and i forgot about it already ..anyway work today was quite ok, learn a bit of new stuff, practice other skills ..and guess what ahhaha, Lini made me chicken bolognese pasta right, only managers and trainee managers have that priviledge comes with the job, their entitlement she signed in off in the log book with her name ..that dish costed $9.80 hahah, and i know how to cook it already ..all the other pasta dishes as well hahaha, quite easy to learn, almost the same day 2 i had honey baked ham sandwich, day 3 i had an entire waffle to myself haha, day 4 i had chicken bolegnese pasta ..simply delicious, of all, i love the sandwich the most hahaha ..i realised another thing today, singaporeans waste alot of food ..we order more than what we can eat and we just whack and, waste ..maybe its variaty hunger like what matthew said, satusfy your taste buds ..yup, realised these everytime i collected the plates get like, half an oreal cheese cake or a quater of a brownie lefted over ..quite a waste considering the price of those dishes, yeah ..okie, received bads news from danny today ..when he is gone, 24th april, the new manager for our outletwould be the district manager, the butch who interviewed me ..sian, heard she is a little meticulous like the amount of ingredients must be weighted and stuff according to the receipe know the machine with the "tare" button for physics ? we use that yeah, 80g of egg mayo means 80 grams ..after all, she was the one who wrote the Standard Operations Procedure, SOP ..should be SOB actually, real headache ..whats the relief? she might be with us only temporarily ..there's a new female manager,so when the tanjong paga outlet opens,the butch might go over there to over see its starting and stuff .. reported to work at 1pm today, missed my bus so was almost on the dot ..there was almost no customers la, so its was pretty boring ..the 2 female managers and i ended up chatting and laughing ..talking about everything, love, relationships, one of their BF and another guy,and the other manager's plans for her marriage and stuff ..they were there like, why guys always like this like that ..i was there like, no loh not always sometimes got reason de ..of cause i gave in some of the time, cant alwasy disagree with one's boss regarding any matter right, dont wanna get black listed or anything ..ok, my right hand middle finger is swollen for some reasons ..think it must have been on tuesday night when my hands got raided by mosquitoes ..i have been a very good boys k, never use the middle finger so it cant be that God's punishing me ..kk, thats pretty crap la, anyway thats besides the point ..the main thing is its affecting my work ..oh, my hands got into contact with the waffle machine today, like 2 or 3 times experience, every day since i learned it, i would get burned ..than when i have to clean the dishes, the hot water spray, man it feels bad when the hot water touches those spot that got burned ..but yeah, just ren hahah, anyway quite fast de, work end than can relax le ..oh, joel's breaking up with pris soon, what a waste, been so long le ..but there's truth to what he said, anyway gotta give it to him ..if its me, i would have run her over centuries ago ..too shelter a life style, so cant really blame her that she's quite spoilt and pampered ..not being sarcastic or anything but seriously if you look at it ..a person is what he or she is because of their up bringing ..the up bringing process, especially in the unconcious years of our life i feel, greatly affects the later stages of our life ..our personality, the way we view the world, our dependency on others, everything yeah, cant blame her and its pretty hard for her to change too ..cause she is still in the very same family that she was born into ..ok, dont blame mine family for what i am haha ..i got 2 families, lived in different families before and after 11 so ya ..called me mixed or what i dunno hahah, just dont insult the first family or i'll have your throat for my meal, i promise ..anyway yeah, do get his point and stuff but its still quite a waste ..didn't wanna encourage him not to break or to break becausei have no say in it simply because its between the two of them ..i wouldn't know the situation better then they themselves ..the creator knows his created best ..ok, thats from me, might not make much sense, what to do, simple mind ..ok so yeah, guess he is moving on with another girl ..some of my friends have found someone they like ..though its not something really important and neccessary, i would like to find one that i would like too ..of cause its a very childish thought, and yeah, we cant just say i wanna find one that i would like cause hey i cant make myself like someone ..but yeah, its just that yearning to be loved and to love ..seriously i dunno why there is always this drive in me to experiencelove and warmth from a girl, not in a perverse way, seriously ..if what i am seeking is the love that was taken away from me, provided by a motherly figure, than i am so dead ..cause then its a fatally wrong love to be looking for in a bgr i guess has many forms, motherly love, fatherly love and stuff ..each can only be provided by a figure the mind has assigned it to i guess ..and maybe when that figure is gone, it starts to mess up a bit and search for another figure which would be similiar if not almost similiar to the original figure that it had selected ..sort of like compensationary or a subsitude system i guess ..our brain compensates alot for failed physical functions anyway i am hope this drive is not driven by the search for that kinda feeling experience what a girl can only provide ..all females have an inbuilt auto system which says - motherly love - ahhaha ..and no k, i dun lok for gfs just because i feel horny ahah,if so i would just have a fling so much cleaner to end .. love love love, so elusive and mysterious right hahaha ..kk, hmmm, was chatting with lini and katherine yesterday when a question came up ..mitchell you got girl friend a not huh ? oh no la , single haha sure a not, blah blah blah hahah it so hard to believe, does it really write " play boy " on my fore head haha ..and today the expected question came up, again by lini ..mitchell you mixed blood ah ? haha expected but no hahah pure chinese la ..katherine was like, look like mix meh?yeah i cant figure out why they like to ask that hahaha weird, 913fm has been playing gwen stephanie's the great escape for like 4 days le, everyday like 2 times ..we tune in to that station at gelare, let it play over the sound system when i ever i am taking a breather, its like, that song again, and buttons too ..i was seriously beginning to wonder whether the DJ programs his com with the same songs and just shuffle them up ..oh entered the room where they play the music from, i mean the radio station, the room where there will be an "on air" sign ..that time the DJ for that station was the Flying Dutchman, this indianguy and i think Mark Richman, always calling each other brother yeah, was like sec 1, so we wenta checkout the moon actually the indian guy found me, my younger bro and sis cute,asked if we wanted to check out the station, so the 3 of us plus my dad went ..still remember our shirts had small holes from over usuage and we had a toyota corona, anyway the station was pretty cool ..all those buttons, slides and all those digital waves on the com haha, cool ..and they had a huge glass window from which they could view the city's skyline hahah, maybe to tell the weather ? haha wow man, time flies so fast, talking about shirts with holes haha ..back then we were so mighty poor can you imagine ?i save whatever i had, including 1 / 5 cent coins, to save up to 5 dollars was a feat of the few luxury items we had, because its not neccessary but a privelledgeto have, was the TV, car and the computer hahaha ok plus the fish ..yeah, if not the house was quite empty actually hha, basic furniture and stuff ..and because we had such a rough patch at one time, dad had to act as though he was interested in buying a car while the rest of us would be eating our hearts out at the buffet in those show rooms ..still remember on one of those occassions dad had diarrheoa after the meal ..just had to let the stomach settle its problem on its own, no cash for the doc ..and because the weather in the day was so hot, to save on electricity,we would just go over to any courts outlet hahah gave us the chance to dream of what we would like to have in our house, plus the air conditioning gave us some relief from the heat hahah ..oh, canned drinks like coke was a rare sight in our fridge haha, only avaliable when visitors were coming to our place, like for rosary sessions ..other then that we had plain water ahhah, which was quite ok, healthier ..hahaha, all skinny baboons back then man its really been so long yet so quick ..oh yes, Mr Kan, the band teacher in charge haha, was living just 2 levels below me ..hahah, can you imagine haha, so sian haha, but i saw him in the block likeless than 5 times the entire time i stayed there hahah long term memory is stronger ahah, you can count on the figure haha ..hahah, just saw myself in the mirror know what, many of your would probably have stopped reading this post by now so i dun mind blogging this out hahah ..i suddenly am beginning to like my natural hair style more hhahaha ..i feel free-er, more relaxed and more me for some strange reasons haha ..ok its might look a bit weird cause most of the time i am using wax but yeah haha ..thats just me ahhahahah ..and i think i have found the answer to reverting back to the better me ..still working on it though, this mind of mine cant process too much ..thats why i have a simple mind hahah ..oh i remember what was it that i was thinking of, its killing another human ..yeah yeah, pretty cool though though its about death ahhaha ..who would be the real doer if lets say i paid someone to kill another person ? i mean its like, you paid the maid to clean your house, so are you the one who cleaned the house ? yesh i know its hard to explain that they are different, but it means theres a way to explain it no matter how difficult right? so explain it .. k thats to myself but yeah, its different i know, yet i cant explain it ..but really, who is the real doer? if you were to say, its me because i ordered for that person to be killed,you are right cause i initiated it ..yet if you say its the assasin cause he was the one who carried it out,you are also right cause he put the plan into action it then a 50 - 50 issue ? like how the law handles it ? both are guilty ?you may be right hahaha, yet the assasin is just making a living hahah ..and i am just doing it maybe to gurantee my own survival ? hahah ..hmm hmm, so so chim, to profound for me to handle ..oh than if you kill someone to survive, its akeen to murder ouch if in defence you killed your attacker, its man slaughter right ..dunch know la, haha, i think to end the whole damn thing, and to avoid tacing it back to you, just get an someone to bum off the guy, and bum off the assasin after that ..of cause send the 2nd assasin overseas to say egypt? on the pretext forto help him avoid trouble, than get another perso of a different nationalityto bum him off as well, cool eh ..well the bigger the country, the better it is ..maybe in some small country side town, use its cemetry or something ..ok, morbid thought, pretty cool grow tired of music and women faster than war ( killing ),by some famous philosopher ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:03