Tuesday, May 01, 2007
a friend commented to me yesterday that my entries from the pass few days were depressing to read. so here's a change hahah.hope its a change alright? sorry if it affected you :Psome pictures for you guys. taken since last week till today.

jia rong with a WTH look while watching Fnugg. percussion sounds without a percussion instrument hahah.
an old M3 model spotted on my way home. the body mods made it looka bit ah bengish to me haha.
went shopping today. yup, met up with my friend @ woodlands causeway point.had lunch at MOS around 2 plus coming 3. headed to orchard and the hunt for my jeans started hahaha.let me see huh, a list of the places we went to ahhaha.Wisma Atria --French Connection United Kingdom--Armani Jeans--GAPTakashima --G2000 blu--Giodano--Armani Exchange--Zara--LevisPlaza Singapura--I.P Zone--Esprit--Ebase--some shop in b1 near the travelator--Samual & Kevinyup yup, went to a few of the shops at least twice ahhaha.so we headed to Orchard, went through Wisma and Taka than back to the MRT.took a train to Plaza Singapura at DG. racky racky, then headed back to Taka.hahah what a day right, all in 3hrs haha. ok it was pretty fun ahhaha.we were walking and thinking of places to search. so GAP and FCUK came first haha. along the way in Wisma we saw Armani Jeans.we knew it was ex but fingers were just itchy. each jeans there cost about299 / 399 like that hahaha. the material of cause, was wowwwwww.headed to Taka, stop at Giodano, entered saw the design came out haha.than G2000 blu, hung out alittle longer there as we were deciding where else to go.decided to search for Levis, so we did and found it. same thing, entered, saw the designs and out we went hahaha.carried on walking and walking and ta da, Armani Exchange hahaha.ok this one was damn funny hahah. saw a few jeans there.so we checked the prices first, flipped the first jeans, 299.ok next pls, 139, wa, so nice and its 139 ahhah. ok next, 299.hung around the shop for a while feeling the material of some other clothingswhile we were thinking of where else to go ahhaa.moved on, found Zara, went in saw another pretty nice pair of jeans.99 bucks, okie move on. no where else to go. head to PS.went to I.P Zone, 59 for a pair, it was quite nice but not my kind.went on to the other shop, design was haiz,wasn't worth it. went to Esprit. again the same thing, went in, glanced te shop and came out ahahha.ok, lets head back to I.P Zone and try that first.entered Ebase on the way, literally just walked through the shop into I.P Zone.tried the jeans at I.P Zone, it was quite confortable but it wouldn't match my shoes.and no way will i change my shoes to match that jeans ahhaha.so thought awhile, than decided to head back to Armani Exchange at Taka.now here's the funny part haha. on the way there in Taka.my friend was saying about how he bought his belt at GAP. here goes.story ...that time i wanted to buy the full set actually, jeans belt and the vest.than in the end, decided to get the jeans only, so i tried it on la.then when i came out, i didn't remove the belt, and the cashier thought i wanted both and she scanned it in as well. then i was shocked when shesaid it cause 80, cause i didn't realised it until she told me.she saw my face and she asked whether i wanted it, explained to me the reason why it was so ex and stuff and that it was quite nice. my friends they also say it was very nice, so i just ok loh.kanna bluff sia.end of story, left me laughing.ok so we reached Armani Jeans, searched for the jeans and then checked the price.than i was like, eh why the price suddenly become 299?then he was like, oh wrong jeans, thats the price of the one below it. i was like eh ok, then why is the difference in the price so big. design nicer than the 299 as well. then he was like ya hor.so we started checking ahhaha. then we realised the belt was there haha.and that the price tag for the jeans was hidden in the pocket hahaha.so we took it out, wa 299 as well hahahaha, than the price for the belt? 139 hahaha.we were like, siao liao, come here for nothing. looked at each other and smile.then he was like, then how like that? still smiling at each other.thought for a while, then i replied, lets go Zara hahaha.so we went there, tried on the jeans there we found nice before.very comfortable actually, and it was cheap. there was a little confusion with the staff.there were two design there actually, slight differences.forgot what was the first one, so i shall called it X, the one i tried was boot cut.it was the slightly tapered version of X. so i tried boot cut, was ok with it, asked for a new piece, got it andheaded to the cashier. decided to check it and i realised it was X.so ok, headed back to the same staff, told him about it and he said he would check.best part was, after checking the display sets for quite a few mins, he concluded that the designs were the same cause he couldn't find any more boot cut pieces in the store room as well. so me and my friend was like, cant be, and my friend pointed out the difference in the cutting to him. and he insisted it was the same after a while.ok, kept my cool, took a look at X and Boot Cut. than i told him. the jeans are of different cutting. look at the color of the button, one is tarnished brown and the other steel grey.their zip designs are also different so how cane they be the same? then the guy was like, let me check again. so i was like, sure, please do so.turned out they had ran out of stock for the boot cut design.tried X in the end and settled for it, what the hell man. dressed up so smart, work in such a company, yet you cant tell apart when the differences are so big? blind or what.i actually wanted to head down to the branch near wheel lock place.looked at the time then i was like, forget it la. later dont have then die le hahahah. that branch is cool though.went there with wilson & shawn before, we were like oooo, wa, woah hahaha.yeah, as though we lived our entire lives in a kampong and had just been to the city.there are 3 things i have not gotten yeah though.2 key chains, a log book and a movie hahaha.think the movie can wait though, metamorphesis ran out of stock for it.thats the only place that i know, that is selling the DVD version of it.wanna check out the prices between the DVD and VCD version before buying.2 similiar key chains. simple in design yet it can stand out from the rest in a key box.the old plans came to my mind on how to arrange the keys.and the log book, yes, those A5 size kind or something. doesn't have to be very nice looking or what. just hard cover, full of lines,presentable looking and cheap can le.think i can get these 2 things from popular haha. key chains,maybe i can try north point tomorrow before work.oh and i need to get more white shirts instead of dark coloured ones from now on.my shirts are mostly haha, black ahhaha. and quite plain in fact.so i am just like, wearing a plain black shirt with a plain blue jeans.how dull. interestingly my taste has change quite a bit over the passfew months, no idea when it started though ahaha.is becoming a bit loud? yeah, prefer shirts with some design now.words or anything. and i m finding my plain jeans, plain and boring hahaha.and i realised something, this plain taste is all over in my family ahahha.like from top to bottom, we like things plain and simple.besides liking to have things done big and grand if possible, for me.i am also plain and simple till since dunno when i found myself plain ahhah.guess its because of the friends i mix with ahhah. pretty fun people, colorful.and i am spending less and less time with my seemingly plain family. so yeah haha.yesh, and i realised something else too.when i made the move to buy shirts that appealed to my new taste,the other shirts that i loved, which is all ahah, sort of lost their placing haha.i was like, oh, not today, not gonna wear that today ahahha.shall strike a balance haaha, what we choose to wear is usually anindication of our type of personality / character.in other words, our taste for things as well. thats in the first place why those kinda dressing appealed to us and thats why we bought it.yeah, usually you get people picking others off as ah bengs from first impression.why? their dressing style usually. the fellow might just walk pass you.yet the first thought that would come to your mind? cao ah beng haha.the colors we choose also tells alot. ok, side tracking too much. back. ahha.right now i wouldn't be shopping for clothing already.would be using the rest of my money for food and transport.shall leave the shopping for australia, see whats there to buy thereif we get the chance to shop a bit haha. already planned with a pal le.shall bring along a few "wanna throw" shirts for the trip. of cause not the got hole here and there kind la, but the worn out enough kind.those we use for sleeping and home wear. go over there, use one throw one haha.need shirt just buy and wear, see any clothes we like than buy loh.that would give more space for more items we that we can bring back haha.and its a way of clearing out old clothings too hahaha. my socks are definately going.cant pack smeely socks hahaha, and my socks are pretty worn out haha.just got 4 new pairs last week but it still too little. shall get 2 more soon.hope the old ones can last till the aussie trip. buy flip flops there hahaha.just remembered the deal i made with her haha.if she scores a minimum of straight Bs for her upcoming major exams,i'll treat her to waffles with any amount of ice cream she wants at gelare.of cause we'll go to a different outlet la, not the one that i would be working at.yeah, think she would want the chocolate temptation or the cookie craze haha.knowing her taste and her obsession with chocolates hahaha.well, gotta reserve 20 for that hahaha, there's a dish in the new menuspecially made for people like her, Nuts about Chocolate.has a scoop of chocolate overload and a scoop of soy chocolate obsession.of cause there would be chocolate sauce drizzled over the it hahaand i believe there's chocolate chips sprinkled on it as well haha.oh yeah, i kinda love watching customers go ooo and wow and thechocolate temptations i make hahah,straw berry paradise and the cookie craze too hahaha.i love watching that delightful look on their faces. and some of them give very funny comments like," oh my god, i feel so sinful eating this " hahahah. cute right, usually the girls la.guys just whack it hahaha, they dun bother so much ahhaha.okie shall end here. cheers to you guys :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:04