Notes N Wheels

Saturday, May 05, 2007

oh no, the ssdcl website is down till around 5.30am. thats means i gotta wait.
wait till after that, then i can update my schedule, oh man, what a bummer.
okie, today was boring hahaha, anyway got so bored and hungry i decided to cook.
cooked the beef in the freezer, half for lunch and i just ate the other half hahah.
thats a total of 200 grams of beef today hahah. gonna make more tomorrow, lunch.
have lunch than head to work haha. okie, right now,
the fish fillets are in the microwave. oooo, its beeping, means it done haha.

hmmm, taste a bit, bland hahaha. okie, guess it has to be fried for crispy effect.
i microwaved it hahah, everything also i'll just microwave de, faster.
and any mess would be contained in the microwave haha.
hmmm, saw something. pretty interesting, really interesting.
so should i or should i not? well, ahahha, i will even if i shouldn't do it.
bored bored, need some entertainment. shall observe faces hahaha. sadistic.

ok, had dinner just now, ordered something easy on the throat haha.
martin had asthma, went to doc. vanessa is sick, throat down flu and stuff.
think i was the one who passed it to them haha.
cause i have been sick the longest at home. ok, bad weather i guess.
weeeee ooooo, gwen's great escape. ok, just mad. i am eating prison food.
ok, back back. had dinner at casuarina road. the area leaeding to upper
pierce reservoir and lower pierce. saw, erm, i think her name is Rebecca.
okok, my junior in YCK, direct junior hahaha, i THINK, she is sec 2 now haha.
then again, it seems like she is sec 3, oh well, i am clueless lol.
what a senior hor hahaha. headed to thomson plaza after that.
actually near it first. dad needed to do some stuff at UOB,
then headed to thomson plaza after that, also some bank stuff.
headed to chong pang after that. searched for his friend's shop.
or was it friend's friend's shop. cant remember. anyway was searching for something.
surveyed the other shops in the area, ended up getting a cheaper price.
and a free screen protector hahah. so we got it there hahaha.

than there was the fun part of the day hahaha.
was on our way home, like 3 junctions away when dad spotted a lamborghini
in his right wing mirror. so ok, quite fierce looking actually.
very very low and wide ahhaha. plus the tail the driver fitted on.
made it look like a killer hahaha.
anyway the engines were pretty soft when it drove by.
actually softer than the M6's. maybe because it was just cruising.
heard some describe one of the models after it hits 4000RPM as, a devil's shriek.
pretty cool eh haha, tear your ear drums apart hahaha.

ok, configured the settings and some other stuff already.
think i am gonna edit it some more. throw in the rest of my schedule too.
shall add in my driving schedule tomorrow. yup, thats what i would be doing.
hmmm, wonder if i can attend the com with this hair color.
dont feel lik dying back, waste time hahah.
never heard swo play before, as in, from the audience point of view, live.
hahah, maybe when i am in the army haha. attend one or two concerts haha.
yeah, thats one of the things that i wanna do, attend swo's concert as an audience.

man, the cold air is making breathing difficult for me. uncomfortable actually.
switched off the air conditioning. had to open the doors and the window
one morning as it was so damn cold. 23 degrees and i could take it already.
dunch know how to describe the feeling when i breathe in the cold air.
just feels weird around the lungs and the center of the chest.
a very very odd uncomfortable feeling that makes it hard to, SLEEP !! hahaha.
okie, shall end here le. gonna organise my stuff.
bye readers, muacks, God bless :)

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:34


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