Notes N Wheels

Thursday, May 03, 2007

okie, the new dishes. or rather, old dishes done in the new way due to the new menu.
yup, change of design, new garnishing and stuff. quite problematic actually.
the first was some mango drink done by bela, the new manager for the city outlet.
she would be taking over kat and lini when they leave for tanjong pagar.
the 2nd dish, Brownie Bliss was also done by her, simple dish yet delicious haha.
oh it looks like that cause part of it has been eaten haha, the cherry by me haha.
the 3rd and 4th dishes, are the cookie craze & chocolate temptation respectively.
done by me hahah, the cookie craze is pretty ugly.
not used to the extra 2 layering at the bottom yet, makes things at the top messy.
and the oreal wafer stick is like too fat haha, cant stick it in without
causing the ice cream to shift and become messed up.
found the solution to it already though ahahah. that was my practice cup.
kat allowed me to practice, was supposed to share with regu but
he couldn't take sweet stuffs so i at it, half of it. couldn't finish it, so sweet.
okie, the chocolate temptation, also by me, was for a customer,sadly haha.
the chocolate sauce at the bottom keeps seeping into the curves of the whip cream.
cause the "head" attached to the whip cream bottle had "teeth".
so yeah, there would surely be these "cracks" for the sauce to seep into, yucks.
the 5th picture is actually the equpiment to increase the air pressure in the whip
cream bottle / dispenser. so after you have used up the whip cream,
just change it and add a new "bullet" hahah. it can fly if you dont
de-pressurise it before unscrewing its cap. grace got a burn from it before.
left a permanent scar on her palm. the air or what just gushed out
cause she forgot to depressurise it.

so thats all i got at work today hahah, ate alot of ice cream.
including the waffle tower dish that Bela made hahah. that should add some weight.
i should be growing fatter after all those ice cream haha.
ok learnt a lesson, never eat an entire cookie craze on a super empty stomach.
maybe because its so cold, fresh from the freezer haha.
anyway i ended up with a super stomachache, rush to toilet hahahah.

ok, bought another belt today, from giordano haha. the one i am looking for.
there was another design, more to my kind. similiar to my bag strap.
however, it was more to the girly design though they are all unisex.
settle for another one, quite hmmm, funkily cool looking i guess.
more hip? yup, still a simple design yet it has a little hip look.
white hahaha, goes well with any color. fabric, not so formal looking.
white bell for guys, anything other fabric, looks gay to me.
unless its for a reason, if a guy wears a white non fabric i'll be like, yewww.
hahaha, yeah. there are two designs for this belt, one lady and one gents.
so the first one hanging there was a ladies and the gents, as i found out later,
were all hanging deeper in. so the lady asked me if i needed assistance.
told her what i wanted and i gave further details so she pointed out to that one.
than i asked if those belts were for guys or ladies and she said it was unisex.
i was like, ok, because some were quite gay for guys hahah.
than i said thanks i help myself. and she said welcome and went off to others.
was thinking, cannot be, some of this are for guys and some for ladies.
so how can it be a unisex design for all? so i started searching,
and when she returned i pointed out to her the size i wanted.
and she gave me the ladies cut for that design hahahaha.
had to tell her about the difference, than after a while she was like,
oops hahah, so sorry i didn't realise that hahaha.
pretty awkward situation haha, didn't know how to respond.
having to point the difference out to the shop's staff. if she was like the Zara
fellow than it was ok but she was pretty polite so i felt a bit weird.
just didn't know whether to laugh or not haha, wasn't pissed that was for sure.
anyway, gonna claim that one from mother hahah.

was a little boring at work today, so i decided to think about what i wanted
to do with some stuffs. needed to either do something about them or get them.
ok, MPH doesn't have what i need, shall head to popular some time soon.
i need to get two key chains, a book full of lines ( log book )
and i also need those papers to refill my organiser. MPH sells them pretty ex.
so yeah, popular, shall head there, remember they sell it cheaper there.
gonna do driving tomorrow, hope to bang a few cars and kill myself.
take myself down quick tsktsk. think it ain't a problem since i cant
fully turn my head to my left haha, i think its muscle strain ahha.
so any motorcycles on my left blind spot, BYE BYE MUAHAHAHAH !!!
another thing on my mind to kill time was, fashion ahhaaha, damn stupid.
really it was just to kill time. was combining all the clothings in my wardrope
to fit my different jeans. especially the new one since the colour ain't blue.
its like steel grey that kind. black shirts might not go well with it.
so yeah, i was just thinking about the rest of the colors in my cupboard.
whether they could mix well with it and stuff.
so i was just doing a sort of virtual imagary thing in my mind, give myself a rough pic.
the 4th thing. well, been on my mind for quite a while.
spoke to a friend about it last night and she said do it since it would benefit us.
the thing is, she doesn't know the cons of it, which could be quite bad.
didn't tell her thats why she doesn't know, no time anyway.
so yeah, was just thinking about it. in life we take a lot of risks, is a gamble.
the 5th thing, i managed to piece together something hahah.
found out the reason for something that happened which left me curious.
hope it doesn't kill me like hoe it killed the cat hahah.
anyway yeah, i pieced it together with some infor a friend provided hahah.
pretty interesting hahah the way humans behave, really interesting.
and the 6th thing hahah. i was day dreaming hahah.
cant really remember what it was but i know it was one helluva of a dream ahha.
that really was building CASTLES in the air hahah, big castles hahahah.
and i was even smiling to myself hahah. realised it only after snapping
back to reality ahhaha.
oh and the 7th thing, while looking at the new menu i was going in my mind,
i wanna try this !! and this !! and that !! ahhhh this looks good !!
what so ex ?!!?!?! hahahahah.
all these things are not arranged in order haha. and some happened more than once.

think i have changed a little bit haha, maybe i am just realising it.
though i can't pin point exactly in what way i have changed.
and i think my face seems to have gain some flesh or fats or dunno what.
cause it doesn't look as skinny as before hahah, must be all the ice cream haha.
yeah yeah yeah, i am gaining weight ahhah, shall visit ah ma and ask her.
something just dawned on me, ah ma is pretty old.
must spend more time on her least i regret when she is gone.
i would surely be very upset when she goes, spent 11 years with her,
and the subsequent years of my life quite regularly meeting her.
and of cause aunt jenny and family, the same too. so yeah, shall make the effort.
suddenly found myself missing them like 2 weeks back.
must really visit them. really miss them. shall buy something unique from aussie
for aunt jenny birthday haha, 14th July. its the least i can do to repay
the motherly love she showered on me, and for always worrying about me.

wonder how much is the pay like in the retail line. 6 an hour or what.
feel like trying out the job in that line too, there is one problem though ahahha.
i am bad with clothings, dunch know how to fold others besides jeans & tee shirts.
those normal kind hahaha, long sleeve sure gone case haha.
learning how to fold shirts in the air already hahah, due to over crowded toilets.
alot of things that i cant do, too reliant on someone else to do the house hold chores.
think i will die in army not because its physically demanding,
rather, its because i cant do house hold chores hahaha.
huh? how? use what? hahahahah
sian ahaahhahaa, blanket party ahahhaha.
okie, shall end here. bumper car tomorrow !! weeee !!!

this love serves no
other purpose than to trouble me

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:36


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