Tuesday, October 23, 2007

got a bit bored today. so i took these two pictures.
still cant move the focus frame. forgot how to hahah. gotta look up the menu again.
anyway, these flowers only bloom when the sun rays touches the petals.
if you block out the sun, the petals close up.
shall try other shots next time. oh yeah, tried out the recording function.
speakers are quite good for a camera. the best i heard so far.
think i can use it for the band exchanges in the future.
strange strange. i have been having weird dreams. two already.
of girls that i used to like quite a bit. one of them strangely.
ended up in catholic high primary. some how or another,
she became my classmate hahaha. had lotsa fun playing together.
there were other classmates too. she was the only girl in the class though.
the other was denise. dreamt that we got back together.
bought this landed property. 3 stories i think. its like on this hill.
with nothing obstructing the front view. dreamt that we ate at the coffee shop.
dunno what kinda coffee shop is that. its on elevated grounds too.
had to climb a stair case to get there. still remember her hair style in the dream.
her usual. hair neatly combed back, with the fringe clipped back in the middle.
reminiscences hahah. weird that i would dream of her.
oh well. they always say that we never forget our first love.
humans, sentimental fools.
ah, finally, work tomorrow hahaha.
at least i would be spending my time better than the past few days, tomorrow.
earning money HEHE. would be boring but hey, works work.
oh yeah. managed to skip this sat so i would be able to head down to ssw.
too bad that this week, there isnt any yck prac save fri.
if not i would have something to do already. oh well.
okie okie. i shall just end here. keeping my entried pretty short recently.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:54