Sunday, December 31, 2006
this is as your can see, a picture of a Nazi tank ..yeah, Nazi if i am not wrong, that cross insignia by the side ..was at 2 model shops today, saw this, thought it was simpleand nice, so i just took a shot at it ..
was testing out my camera, something doesn't seem right with it this few days ..anyway, Alan's caught in the pic ..and those lightings are like madness, waste of money ..marina square has changed alot, not that i never been to thenew one before, its just that i never really walked around the placewith my eyes "open"

the first 2 books, i got them from a friend ..the last pic, the same friend helped me borrow it from the esplanade library haha ..there are a total of five books actually,of which 4 are back down to basics, really wanna brush up my basics ..anyway its good to return back to basics ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~was at the esplanade library today to borrow some stuff while waiting for my friends, i began searching for someclarinet study books or what ever you wish to call them ..anyway i was walking pass the shelves when i saw this face of a man on a book first i just walked pass the shelf, than i paused and was like, that face looks familiar, saw him somewhere before ..high forehead, thick curly hair, has specs on ..than i remembered, he was mr mahler ..soi went back to that shelf took a look at it and wa la,that shelf held the con scores for all his symphonies hahah just sat there for quite a while flipping through the books ..was more interested in his 3rd symphony, 3rd movement ..what a waste i didnt get any pictures of it ..than i found parts of mahler 1,3,4 in these books entitled symphony sth for clarinets ..they came in Volumes, and there was only 4, 5 and 6 there ..had early dinner at this indo restaurant in suntec with my friends ..then went window shopping haha, saw lotsa nice clothings ..then after all that walking here and there for a few hours i think,stomach was beginning to feel empty we headed somewhere else, near rowell road for 2nd dinner hahah ..after that we all headed home ..gosh the indians at that area totally dont obey any traffic rules,indian drivers cut any'o'how, indian jay walkers can chat on the phone and cross the roads anytime anywhere ..even saw this indian chap talking on his HP in the middle of the first lane,as he was walking to the second lane, he just stopped, made a 180 degree turn,chatted for a few seconds in the middle of the road, turned 180 degrees again,pointed in that direction and proceeded with crossing the road ..totally lawless la, really madness ..okie further down the road, there were a few chinese old man doing the same as well ..crossing roads without any regard for the rules ..basically that was my dad, searching for scores, eating,window shopping, eating, and laughing with friends all the time ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~man you are getting on my nerves ..stick to your turf and i'll stick to mine ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:55