Notes N Wheels

Thursday, January 25, 2007

okie, just came back from clubbing, yeah its pretty early, 05:08 ..
lets take it as wednesday shall we ..
attended all my classes for the day,
came home washed up, exercise a bit, slack a bit,
washed up than went to meet eugene, check out some stuff,
met his friend to collect some VCDs, clean stuff k haha ..
than headed to meet chan fai and the rest of them at PS mac ..
from there we headed to meridian hotel, had seafood at the
hawker center below, than headed to the next building for 2 rounds of snooker ..
me and eugene lost the first round, did 20 push ups ..
2nd round wasn't completed, no time ..
headed to clark quay to celebrate jia xian birthday ..
this is the fun part, his birthday surprise by the class ..
mathew opened a bottle of 12 year old chivas regal,
the name was something like that ..
i was damn thirsty, so kept toasting with the birthday boy and rest of them ..
let me see who was present ..
chan fai, mathew, his friend rebenna, jia xian, eugene, faizal, wei ming,
andrew, and xanny, 10 of us in total ..
went to this pub, name started with "B"
dunno the full name though, saw a lamborgini gallardo hard top on the way ..
anyway, yeah, thats a good pub around 12 plus ..
thats when the crowd starts to pour in ..
they had a thai rock band which was a friend of rebenna ..
this band had this pretty dancer cum singer ..
anyway, exchanged many glances with her,
shes likes looking me and i dun mind looking at the pretty her ..
not the prettiest girl i have seen but pretty
enough to catch my eye ..
down around 16 glasses of pure chivas regal, with ice of cause,
not full glass also la,
4 full glass of green tea, 3 sticks from rebenna, or was it 4 ..
for some reasons my sticks finish almost 2 times faster than
eugene's or mathew's ..
there was this stupid incident, got a little high due to the alcohol
and the first stick, didn;t smoke in a super long time ..
so on the 2nd stick, i wanted to tap off the ashes,
but i couldn't aim properly and i accidentally put out the burning end haha ..
eugene just looked at me and laugh ..
and for some strange reasons, eugene didnt down at all ..
only to help the birthday boy on one glass ..
i and mathew wanted to put jia xian to sleep actually ..
than didnt in the end, his parents would kill him ..
anyway, the sticks got me higher than the whisky, i think its whisky ..
than around 1 plus they all had to leave ..
so me wei ming and andrew went over to MOS ..
andrew treated us la, so admission could be considered free ..
danced all the way till 0430 plus at the R&B side ..
seriously it was smoke filled ..
found xanny and her friend,
xanny left shortly after they sang the birthday song ..
shared a stick with her friend ..
xanny got burned by my stick, she had flying arms, too bad ..
well, everyone is dancing, and the guys are trying to grind the girls ..
so the girls are getting pushed all over but they enjoyed it ..
so too bad, she got pushed to my cigee ..
ouch hahahaha ..
danced for 4 over hours, with 2 toilet breaks ..
watched girls getting grind and wanting to be grind hahah ..
pretty girls actually, had a few girls pushing themselves to me,
well, didn't really wanna grind, so i had no choice but to
go all the way back to the wall, andrew helped me thankfully ..
he gave them the grinding hehe ..
why should i go for cheapos,
i am not a desporado like most of those guys on the dance floor ...
than there was this super seh girl who insisted to her friends she wanted to dance ..
dance half way than stopped, tried to walk out and collasped ..
seriously, my breathe and clothes stink now ..
any my ears are still ringing hahah, imagine plucking ur
MP3 into ur ears and have it played at full blast ..
or having a trumpet blast into ur ears for 6 solid hours ..
hmmm, thinking of the thai girl, she is, well, sexy ..
prefer the first pub over MOS ..
anyway, lotsa girls at MOS to drool over ..
though i would touch none if i had the chance ..
my leg muscles are aching, like i just had a 2.4 hahah ..
well, good exercise, at the expense of my ears and lungs hahah ..
wanna head back to that first pub, gotta see that girl again hahaha ..
shall stop here for my bathe and shall catch some sleep after that ..
school later hahahaha ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 05:07


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