Sunday, December 31, 2006
here are some pics taken since the start of 31st dec 07 ..these 2 were taken while me and my friend were slacking awayat the esplanade,relaxing our legs so bored i started taking pictures ..
these 2 pictures were taken from the balcony of vivo city ..some old swiss boat on display ..the smaller start cruise boat being super star tauras and the bigger one unknown ..
standard small size super early breakfast for me, at around 03:50am hahah ..
okie, got so bored and i couldn't sleep last night, as usual self admiration a bit hahah, snapped randomly ..this is my hair after a bath, looks weird on me ..
sry about the half naked martin haha younger bro figuring out his Ipod "condom" case ..trying to remove some stuff from it ..
okie, this pics were all taken today, the earliest being around 3 am ..hmm, couldn't sleepand was so bored so i started taking pictures of things, martin and my super early light breakfast ..just feltlike munchin on something ..and my stomach was grumbling a little too ..well, met chun bok today ..wanted to get reeds today so we went reed hunting ..went to this shop at paradiz center, to my dissapointment, its gone ..used to sell guitars and band stuff there, something like accent music ..than we made our way to bras basah complex, swee lee ..damn ex but desperate la, so no choice ..went there and was like, they dun sell the reeds one on its own the fellow asked me if i would like a box and i said no thanks ..madness buy from swee lee ..check this out for the price of the Vandoren 56 Rue Lepic reeds reed at swee lee SGD6.10 one reed else where SGD5+one box at swee lee SGD63one box else where SGD49check out the difference in price,the last time i got a box of 56 rue lepic reeds,yes it was 49 dollars that to swee lee's 63, day light robbery ..anyway was pretty dissappointed already ..and we were damn tired from that walking, feelin hot as well ..think think think, than we decided to head down to the esplanade library for fun we walked all the way there, and guess what the 2nd level escalators, there was a sign and it saidsomething long with the words library closed ..we were like AHHHHHHHHHH ..walked all the way here, from plaza singapuraand the library's closed as well ..we were like so sian diao la ..okie, our legs couldn't take it anymore so we went searching for somewhere to sit and relax ..thats where the first 2 pictures were taken, from where we were sitting ..than after slacking like damn long, i think around half an hour ..we decided to head to vivo city hahah ..walked all the way to city hall mrt,took the train to habour front and started, WALKING ..went looking for dress shirts and black shoes ..his shoes can take a bite out of you, if you get what i mean ..saw some weird dress shirt designs at Crocodile ..other than that place and another, we found no othershops that sold dress shirts, so disappointing ..and those 2 shops had crappy designs for their dress shirts ..what a disappointing day ..headed to food republic, bought you tiao ..ate and continued looking at Zara, also dont have ..than he was like looking at this long sleeves shirts with weird patterns and colors and we were thinking, are this for guys or girls ..headed off after a while, they mixed they guys and girls setion together ..when we passed that section again, we saw a lady trying out one of those shirts hahaha yeah, it was for the ladies, sorry babes ..headed home after a while ..journey back was surprisingly fast ..pretty tired and sleepy now, think i would knock out by 11 or 12pm ..the bloody fish family is having a lion dance at their place now damn noisy, hate noise, head people that make too much noise ..hmmm, the 2nd last pic of me ..well, felt like taking so just take a pic loh hair looks weird or i look weird with that hair style haha ..either way is just weird la haha ..yeah, if i leave my hair alone after i have had a bath, it becomes something like this ..eyes felt irritated so i pushed my fringe to the side ..the last pic is my little brother ..he finally opened his Ipod after 6 days spent 4 days in my dad's drawer, helped him keep it ..and another 2 days in his own drawer ..including the "condom" casing ..anyway, just snapped a pic of him for fun hahah i am making lotsa mistakes while typing, eyes gettting tiredand my fingers seem to be moving very sluggishly ..tired already, gonna knock out pretty soon haha ..shall stop here le, God bless, muacks !!
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:29