Monday, January 01, 2007
okie, slept at 7am plus today and woke up around 3pm plus ..nothing unusual already, was so bored i started taking picturesand started searching for food haha here are some of the pictures ..these are the first batch of kois ..
yummy yummy yum yum ..
even she has something to eat la ..look at the way she's licking her mouth, looks so, delicious, but no doggy food for me of cause hahah ..
took a quick shot while on our way for dinner ..see carefully and you will find a rainbow ..
firstly i would like to thank Jien for letting me "steal" her string bass picture ..
its now being used as the back ground picture for
my archives section, once again, thanks Jien !!
hmmm, next up, saddam dead ..
thats the link for the youtube clips of him being hung ..
hmmm, what else let me see ..
nothing eventful actually, just people dying, again ..
quite frequently when you read the papers ..
there is often news about people dying somewhere because of some reasons ..
war, natural disasters, many other ways of dying are included ..
i think that just goes to show how fragile the human body is,
and also that we have so little control over how and when we die ..
in a split second you could be dead,
why and how only the living would know ..
well, thats life, thats a fact ..
death comes to all, thats also a fact ..
hmm, spend most of my boring night/morning doing up the blog template ..
took my time to figure out the errors and to
upload the pictures here and there ..
played with the colors as well ..
spent most of that time thinking what color would match
and what arrangement would be nice ..
i actually cleared all the work i did for the first 2 hours or so,
and restarted everything as i was unsatisfied with the results ..
started from scratch, last resort ..
not very big changes as you can see,
but on the template i had to re-arrange and redo quite some
of the html code statements ..
like creating a body within another one,
which is part of another body ..
so that i could lock the 2nd body onto the main yet shift the
3rd body anywhere in the 2nd ..
the reason being, the original background/template for this blog is just black ..
so the pics and everything are not part of or in it ..
they are on it ..
thats why the cursor animations dun appear on the picsbut slips under it instead ihave got runny pictures which need position codes ..waste of time and very troublesome ..might be using a clarinet picture for the currently black portion of links ..just use a clarinet picture to mask the black back ground ..shall try it out later and see how it goes ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nothing eventful today as i have said ya, nothing much to blog ..tried playing my clarinet today ..everything is fine, except that i am not breathing properly again got no push like that, maybe its because my stomach was super empty ..i was damn hungry ahhaha ..played a bit of everything today, including otto langey ..and i just realised something ..they have those clarinet concertos at the back right,and everytime i played this concerto mvt by mozart,i would find it very veyr familiar but just couldn't remember where i played it before ..than today, i played it again, and the same thing happened ..decided to check it out more closely,than i realised it was the 2nd mvt K622 dumb can one get, haiz ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:59