Notes N Wheels

Sunday, February 18, 2007

okie, that was fast, time flew today, more or less did ..
so went over to my aunt's place for gathering and all ..
play a few rounds of black jack, won 12 bucks and i chao haha ..
watched a movie with angel, audrey their dad and shawn ..
angel treated us cause she won first prize for 4D today ..
watched protege, the ladies acting as the drug addict, she's gorgeous, real babe ..
made our way back to aunt's plce after that, they wanted to play black jack again ..
i played the first round, won 2 bucks and chao hahah ..
dont wanna gamble too much already, win or lose, my budget would be 10 bucks ..
saving the cash for future use so i cant just throw it like that ..
so yeah, got extra cash le, now i dunno what to do with all these money ..
think i shall throw it in the bank, shall start saving ..
its not a bad idea to start now ..
hmmm, these pass few days i have been thinking thinking and thinking ..
missing a special person in my life as usual ..
well, i knew it wouldn't be easy for me to let go because its me, but i am trying ..
shit i need to go chiong or something ? just wanna be in arms of a girl ..
close my eyes and imagine her to be who i want her to be ..
sometimes i just lose it and i end up punching the wall in the bath ..
cause thats when i start thinking the most, under the warm flowing water ..
actually all i want is to relax, but than that gives me all the time in the
world to start letting my mind run on auto pilot mode as well ..
i have no control over my thoughts ..
anyway yeah, think i wanna go chiong again, chiong chiong chiong ..
darn i really must make it for gathering this saturday and church this sunday ..
shit i really must must must ..
guess thats the one place where i can fill the void in me ..
during that short time there it just goes away temporarily ..
but sometimes i wonder how come i am in church too hhaha,
when my mind starts drifting off ..
i realised something when i was in church with my family today ..
catholic churches has more pretty girls than christian churches,
and more children, maybe because there are more people in a catholic
church than there are in a christian church ..
i love the christian way of worship and sermon and stuff,
yet i love the catholic way of lifestyle as in, not everything in their
life they relate to god haahah ..
cant someone cross breed the two?
arghhh, seriously i am not good at handling love stuff ..
i can handle the relationship before and during but just not after it ..
what a guy, silly? useless? soft? i dunno, you tell me ..
oh gosh, mitchell mitchell mitchell ..
get a grip on life will ya? come on, psycho yourself,
there are still many other trees out there, many other fishes out in the ocean ..
so relax and chill man, there always another, dont stick yourself to one ..
whats your problem man? this ain't the mitchell we all know ..
go flirt or something, go spread some legs or something, just snap out of it ..
and damn, i suddenly missed school ..
yeah, miss the class rooms, the smelly lecture hall and stuff ..
haiz, how come i am what i am ?
played since primary school and that still isn't enough ..
gotta go jump off a building, get hit by a 5 tonner or a bus or something ..
i need a super big wake up call ..
wish that when i enter army in the future, some idiot in my
squad would just mis-fire whatever weapon he is holding, in a manner that
would end up getting me killed, solved all my earthly problems that way ..
well, lets not care about that guy, someone's gotta take the blame ..
yeah, sometimes it better to have things ended once and for all ..
and no, i dunt think i wanna bother who would i leave behind,
who would cry for me and stuff cause that all doesn't matter ..
i can either burn in hell or enjoy in heaven but i dont bother as long as i end it ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:33


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