Monday, March 12, 2007
i found a very, nice if i would say, phrase from a book ..i dont exactly know whats the word, maybe it seems interesting to me that why ..Sensation tells us what a thing is,Thinking tells us what that thing is,Feeling tells us what it is worth to us ..still got a few more but for now i shall just list this first ..maybe i would have a post specially for quotes from various sources ..maybe tomorrow or something ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hmmm, its like playing a game of sim city ..managing this and that, and at time problems would occur,and we would have to solve it ..alright no one ever said solving problems was a nice thing to do right haha ..then again, lets look at it this way ..if a problem arises / is brought up, and we find the solution to it ..doesn't that make this place better for us?and at least with certain problems, we know there are some of us who cares ..if everything seems to be going so smoothly when in actual fact it isn't,than there's a big problem somewhere especially when people know about it but cant be bother to bring it up right ?hahah, just thinking hahah, and that came to mind ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~alright, for socky, these ~~ are for segmenting the different topics for every entry ya? hahah, colors will be added too, i dunch know what color though haha, orange?yeah, so this is just one part of this post after this ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~okie, met up with minxing today ..went walking around taka mall for a while some stuff, got some finger food, went over to wisma atria ..than parted there, came home for dinner after that ..didn't head down to yck today, over slept ..would be doing so tomorrow, can practice out some scores ..ida again, no spiral, non potho reposare and the 3rd and 4th symphony ..oh, just remembered all my scores are with samual ahha ..hope he comes tomorrow, if not i'll be playing scales only ..yawns, i am tired and sleepy already ..think i shall stop here for tonight ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:52