Monday, March 12, 2007
i was just wondering after reading something ..stars that explode can result in a white dwarf or a black hole ..why do stars turn into black holes at the end of their life span?heavy stars with a density of matter 3 times or more than that of the earth's matter collaspes inward at the end of their life time more of the matter gets compressed, the star gets more compact ..all the gas matter around the star as well according to the website, its says that the more dense the star gets,the escape velocity would increase as well eventually reaches a point whereby even the speed of light becomes to slow to overcome this escape velocity formula ..escape velocity is a formula by Newton over come the gravitational pull of a gravitational force,the rising velocity must be greater than the speed as to which the objectfall towards the gravitational force ..thats the escape velocity yeah, when even the speed of light becomes to slowto overcome the escape velocity, the dying star becomes a black hole, objects that are pulled towards a black hole,falls towards its point of singularity, a point in the black holewhere there is infinite density ..through this hole, if the object survives the travel through this holeof singularity eventually ends up on what is called, Event Horizon ..a place where time is warped, everything taking place outside the hole of singularity happens in slow motion,and eventually, to the object, time will appear as though it has stopped ..everything ceases to move i was just wondering, what if a black hole occurs near our solar system?since it warps the space around it as well, drawing everything near it into it, how about the earth?scientist study black holes when satelites detect star gases being sucked into the black hole ..when that happens, they study and observe and assume a black hole is there if the distance is that great, than woulnd't we get sucked in as well ?what would life be on the other side if we survive ?since all this talk about event horizon are pretty much theoryand hypothosis right ?once saw a documentry, that if the earth were to be sucked into the point of singularity, it would be compressed to a size of a basket ballor maybe even smaller based on what scientist say ..ain't that scary? from the size of earth to the size of a basket ball,within a time period fast than the speed of light ..not sure if it would be correct to say so ..cause from computer images shown on that documentry, the way a black hole warps space near it, twisting and suckingit inwards to its point of singularity, it reminds me of when i am stirring a tall cup filled with milo at a very quick speed'll get that pit like effect, a vortex in the center ..guess thats what its like if it could be seen right ? anyway, the same thing as to when u drop an object into that milo,it just spirals down till it dissappears ..SPIRAL RESONANCE muahahahah, the black hole ..hope we dun spiral all the way till we lost control ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ahhhhh, inner conflicts, here boom there boom ..was thinking quite alot about it, luckily it solved itself ..okie that was just one of the inner conflict ..arghhh, the feeling was so yucky so disgusting ..arghhhh, feel like asking for permission again, i wanna go really really wanna go, damn damn damn shitty, yet i cant ask why, cause later got problems, but yet another part is asking me to ask shit shit shit ..torn in 2 again, inner conflict 2 ..inner conflict 3 ..i found myself with the same question on a different matter again this what you really want?the devil in me says go for it, while the angel says its not the right thing to do ..and obviously the mind knows what is right and what is wrong,simply because of its ability to differentiate black from white ..the blessings of having, whats that word, damn, conscience? sth like that la, cant spell it, go guess ..and the last inner conflict !!!the most important inner conflict ..stomach says go it cause it is hungry, legs say dun want cause its resting,mind says everyone shut up and go exercise ..ahhhhhh !!!!! its worst than having schizophrenia hahahaha ..all going on and on and on and on ..i wonder about something hahaha, might sound silly though ..people who have split personailties have no knowledge of the other them ..but they wont they find it strange that they are not hungry if they remembered they have not eaten for many days ..i mean, if the other personalities take over during meal times ..surely their mind wont ask them to eat when they are already full ..or maybe wont they find it strange when they start to think,eh? why is my stomach so full when i have not eaten ?cause they dun have knowledge of the other them that might haveeaten just before the personality switch ..i wonder are there really psychics around, there should be right ?if not why then was the word invented? yet then again, many words are evented based on theories and hypothosis many questions hahah, many manay questions ..right now, its 01:38 ..i shall have a bite, fill my tummy a little a little on the x box ..exercise a little at the fitness corner in the park ..come home, wash up, sleep quite a bit ..then head to YCK !!! mother band hahah, gonna see my brothers and sisters ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:52