Notes N Wheels

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

alright i just woke up about an hours plus ago, fell asleep while chatting on msn ..
anyway, woke up, watched the show that dad taped haha ..
man, i am really finding it irritating, to the core ..
as was said to others i will say it again ..
i'll ask for help if i need it, and even if i need help,
i wouldn't lower myself to get it from others save close friends ..
and even so, that would be if i really have no other alternatives ..
i prefer, for some strange reasons, to handle my own matters on my own ..
it's a very solo attitude which is actually a pretty bad thing ..
many things in work requires team effort ..
there are pros and cons though, so it's not to bad but still quite bad hahah ..
sincerity, hmmmm what does it mean ? says:
-----"The quality or condition of being sincere; genuineness, honesty, and freedom from duplicity"
-----"freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity; probity in intention or in communicating; earnestness"
thats theory right ..
how about the practical side ?
well, the theory side has it explained already, so what would it be like?
hmmm, for example ..
you have a problem that needs to be solved yet ..
your worker is the who would carry out the solutions, the practical side ..
so you tell him hey, lets do this right for the good of everyone,
and the worker says okie man ..
an agreement has been reached right ..
yet when something cocks up with the work and
you are unsatisfied with it, you use a 3rd party to bring your message across ..
that would be a lack of sincerity, on your part, am i not right to say ..
speaks alot about a person, their character and how they relate to others ..
if that happens to me, surely i'll bite back one way or another,
when the opportunity arises ..
not that i am so vengeful, however there are times that certain things happen ..
and i really cant let it go just like that ..
revenge is sweet they say ..
hmmmm, was just thinking whats the best way to tackle/deal
with the problem of lack of communication between a group of people ..
you know, what can be done to solve it and stuff ..
since we are all humans, we have our own lives,
which also equals to a tough problem that seems easy to solve ..
right now what i am seeing is that, when it ends,
we just separate and move in different directions after completing our own stuffs ..
for most of us, there is little or no communication between one another ..
usually we would be with our own cliques ..
so what happens? you'll find groups of these cliques ..
not a bad thing, however these cliques dont neccessarily
relate well internally or with other cliques right ..
and worst of all, some of these cliques have a "leader"
and when the leaders are not there the cliques further dissolve themselves ..
hmmm, how can such a problem be resolved,
and how can better inter-communication as a whole be created ?
a friend raised an interesting, seemingly simple question that
none of us would actually pay much attention to ..
this was about a week back during one of our organised gatherings ..
how well do you know the one another ?
hahah, all of us were like, hmmm, i guess we are pretty much aliens to one another ..
its there and then when simple questions that are not given much thought to,
are raised that we realised we have a flaw amongst ourselves ..
i guess its because we dun spend that much time together ..
so of cause we communicate lesser with one another ..
take for example me in poly ..
we have classes and its like the class you are in would be for 3 years ..
so we surely would know quite a bit about each other since we are
chatting all the time suring lessons and we see each other like 5 times a weak ..
for some of us for example, we even know how many girls
that our friend had firing practices with, thats how well we know each other ..
dark history of each other, we know, but we keep mum about it ..
when a friend has to squat in prison we visit them and stuff like that ..
thats called close knitted, together-ness, if there's such a word ..
so if less say a group meets once. twice a week only ..
how can they become closer and know each other better?
well the above question literally is a question that i am trying to find a solution to ..
its not to ridicule or counter a statement made by someone ..
it is another tough problem right, big headache huh hahah ..
well, i was thinking of the solutions that could be applied to the 2 problems ..
the only think that i could think of, or have found out its that ..
within the time spent together, the activity done should be one
that would allow as high as possible in intensity,
communication between one another ..
for example, you may spend 2 hours together ..
but if you were to spend it on a movie, there is very little communcation
as compared to if you were to spend the 2 hours having a dinner together ..
why? you dun chat during a movie do u?
during dinner, there's bound to be alot of interaction, before, during and after ..
another possible method to bring a group closer together,
would be to express concern for one another ..
like for example, the A level results were recently released ..
for a friend, she expressed gratitude to those who msged her regarding that matter ..
just a simple msg and what did it relate to the receiver as ?
they care for me, and its appreciated, its human psychology ..
so would you relate better to people whom you know care for you,
or to people whom you have no idea whether they give a hoot about you ?
obviously the first right ..
concern doesn't have to be shown during bad times only ..
it can be during good/neutral times as well ..
was wondering if you had your dinner? if not, care to join me?
right now its beginning to sound like chasing a girl to me ..
spending time together showing concern to each other and stuff like that ..
information and feelings exchange at a high intensity ..
thats a relationship, knowing more about each other and showing that
you care about each other ..
realise that relationships fail because of a lack of these?
similiarily its the same thing, maybe i can "transpose"
the solutions i used for BGR into a a solution for these problems ..
it might work haha, who knows right, of cause not suggesting that we
all find any avaliable opposite gender and start dating hahah ..
that would be so hilarious hahah, would love to see it though haha ..
i think after this problem has been tackled, we would move on to
inter-communication between that body and the same body in
the junior side, than a problem of age gap might arise as well ..
meaning we might have to change tactics, or modify the then old ones ..
anyway, i shall spend some time giving thought to it ..
seriously the best time for me to come up with solutions,
would be around 00:00 to 07:00, if i am still awake ..
almost every single idea i came up with, the raw idea i mean,
for the band and it problems, are within that time frame ..
remembered being wide awake for one of those problems drafting out
the possible solutions, choosing which would be best,
refining the solution and than do out a proper set ..
that took me 6 hours i think, slept at around 8am that day ..
i found it pretty fun though ahah, had to keep thinking,
and i was thinking and working my brain for a good reason,
and of cause there was music in the back ground haha, finished
mahler 1 and 3 that night, and a cup of hot milo hahaha, big cup ahha ..
yeah, some of your might already know what that is hahaha ..
the band room, the band room, the band room ..
hmmm, not satisfied with its current shape still ..
got plans but they are all on hold ..
would be great if an extreme make over would be possible ..
i just remembered something, the notice board is still not up ..
haiz, this saturday, must racky ..
the pink cupboard/shelf is an eye sore to me ..
the cosy corner looks pretty much back dated in fashion ..
hmmm, i was thinking, why dun we do away without chairs ..
lets have the area japanese style, of cause we would clean the carpets and stuff ..
get a low table, throw in a few new cushions ..
and arrange for periodic maintainence of the items there ..
think i wanna do some drawing later, draft out the design or something ..
members can study there, chill out there, what ever la, cosy corner ..
but no food and drinks there hahah, spill milo on the mat than die le ..
shall gather opinions, the main problem and the first
question that would most likely be raised would be, funds?
well, nothing in this world moves without money right, hhaha ..
hmmm, if the members see the leaders making an effort,
i believe they will be motivated to do what they can ..
means, if there's any project that i wanna carry out,
personally i would provide some funding, of cause if i have the green ..
of cause, i would try to reuse ..
some of the members have contributed largely to the band room before ..
so there should still be that spirit i guess ..
anyway, if there are members that are doing that, it shows a sense of belonging ..
hmmm, the 20 black stands have been approved, its seems ..
they say okie, they'll order it, that was on the 3rd of march ..
shall give them a ridiculously long time frame before i check back ..
say 3 of april ? one month is more than enough i believe ..
if not we can just personally place the order and get the cc to pay hahah ..
okie just kidding, but i actually was thinking of doing that ..
hope he remembers it black stands, not silver stands ..
if only we can DIY ourselves, build our own racks and stuff ..
that would be fun, team work needed as well ..
which equals to more bonding between members ..
man i realised i still have not found a place for Jien's baby ..
nearly kicked the bridge with my heels on saturday, close call ..
was thinking of doing a stand for the 2 string basses ..
if any of you have seen what a guitar stand looks like, thats my idea ..
a very sturdy wide base, with a u shape neck to place the finger board in ..
than just needa latch the u shape part after the string bass is in place ..
this prevents it from falling outwards ..
the height of the instrument might be a problem though ..
high center of gravity makes it unstable even with a stand ..
unless the stand has a super heavy base, or a wide enough base area ..
trying to further implement air space usuage instead of base area usuage ..
like the goverment's way of housing people and carparks ..
multi-story carparks hold more cars than a flat carpark of the same base area ..
well, shall draft things out already hahah ..
think i wanna write it out instead of using MS word, easier to refer here and there ..
main theme, create a more homely enviroment :)

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:22


Cheng Fu
Emelyne Fok
Ernest Ong
Hong Ki
Tan Haiping
Joanne Goh
Jonas Oh
Marcus Tay
Ng Weeling
Nicholas Low
Shawn Tan
Xiao Ting
Ycksb Horns

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