Sunday, March 11, 2007
okie some pictures i took during the exchange on friday, at catholic high .. samual and elaines saxophone, so scandalous, he is playing with it ..
catholic high, the boys in the sexy shorts, yummy :P
Dunman high on stage ..
tapoles swimming around in the drain ..
water, the basic requirement for life ..
okie i just got home, had my bath and all, now i am hungry again seriously ..ya haha, can u imagine, i just had dinner with some friends at Village ..
ate roasted beef and plain rosti, had a bottle of root beer, was quite full ..
now that i am home, i am having that feeling of an empty stomach ..
just abot 2 days back, i was super hungry, didnt eat for quite a few hours ..
and all i had was water, plain water and lotsa it ..
so i was lying in bed using my com and i just decided to press my stomach ahah ..
so i pressed it, than use my other hand and pressed it on the other side ..
than i repeated it quicker 3 or 4 time haha ..
and i heard the water sorta like splashing around inside hahaha, ok lame ..
hahah but yeah, thats what i can think of when i am bored ..
k, anyway i got home earlier and this was what i found ..
what the hell right ..
its the driving set for the Xbox 360 ..
dad bought it, why? for that stupid car game, what a waste of cash ..
might as well buy the real car and let them play with it ..
oh yes, i finally sunk that stupid USS enterprise hahaha ..
been trying to for the past 3 days, and i only succeeded this afternoon haha ..
thats the US carrier, protected by many patrol boats and 3 or 4 destroyers ..
and yeah, i only got 2 japanese submarines that cant
go very deep cause its during WW2, damn ..
anyway, a total of 5 topedoes to sink that carrier and 45 mins worth of playing ..
well, went for band after sinking the carrier hahah ..
found two huge boxes at the entrance of the band room ..
was looking at the side of it facing the door, tilting my head left and right
trying to figure out the writings on it ..
couldn't figure it out cause it was nearly writen up side down ..
anyway, found out and was like of shit, did he buy silver stands ?
cause the boxes looked pretty small for black stands,
didn't occur to me that they could be so compactly kept ..
anyway, enlisted the help of samual, songlin and clement to
shift the boxes over to the cosy corner ..
had sockhian move joce's baby over to a safer place ..
made a call, then got the members help set up the stands hahah ..
man the stand are very very dirty, there's like dust,
some black stuff, some brown stuff hahah, some dunch know what stuff ..
yeah but the main thing is, we now have 20 extra stands muahahahha ..
that brings the total number to 32 including the conductor's stand ..
ok, now we can start deciding what to do with the silver stands ..
store somewhere else or something already, those broken ones of cause ..
okie, band aside haha, went for dinner with my friends after practice ..
yeah, today's dinner was a little costly but it was worth it ..
one friend of mine, who usually didnt join us for dinner,
like really once in a blue moon, decided to visit the bunch of us and have dinner ..
so of cause we got to sorta like have something nicer right ..
like example when i return to christ the king, my friend's reaction?
wa, miracle, mitchell attend mass, hey later must go lunch le,
where? ang mo kio central, S11 -_-"
i was expecting shangri-la hotel buffet hahaha, kidding ..
anyway yeah, so thats where we went, the village ..
no there wasn't anyone trying to scare us into not leaving the place, so ya ..
we left pretty early, like around 840 or 8 50 ..
cant remember, anyway, took the train back with one of them ..
alighted at amk, decided to take 169 from there ..
and to a friend of mine, have confidence in yourself ok !!
the seemingly impossible, is only so to the mind ..
it can be your greatest tool to attain achievement, yet your greatest obstacle ..
its all in the mind, the most powerful tool God gave us .
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:39