Notes N Wheels

Thursday, March 08, 2007

oh my gosh oh my gosh ..
was watching the su tou yao again, that korean show on SCV channel 55 ..
dad taped it so i had the chance to watch it ..
neaerly cried again, when it was nearing the end ..
so touching, when the emperor's wife, queen, died ..
all the things she did and asked the emperor to promise her before she passed on ..
all those things were things they did when they were young lovers ..
so sweet really, and all through the years though she was
ill and suffering, she kept it from the emperor ..
instead of making him worry, she kept on giving him encouragement and stuff ..
ahhhh, so touching really, the last part was the most touching ..
died in his arms, and all she could think on was his smile ..
what a touching show really, good show ..
man, it still hasn't happened yet, supposed to be today, well, wait loh ..
since i cant do anything also, its not within my power or ability to do anything ..
hope the money has been sent over ..
just took a bath, 3rd bith of the day, 2nd bath within 3 hrs ..
think i will be going out again later, wanna go for a jog or something ..
maybe around 2 am if i m still awake, exercise a bit ..
than come home, relax a while, do some push ups, than relax a while again,
get a drink, take a bath then maybe turn in after that ..
i wanna polish my instrument too, shall do that later ..
or should i do it tomorrow since i'll be using it tomorrow as well ..
catholic high plus our two bands, having an exchange ..
gonna step back into my old school, though it has changed alot ..
remember the size of it, simply huge hahaha ..
if the school has changed, i could still find my way around,
even to the secret spiral stairs that leads to the top of the hall, above it rather ..
was said that one of the man servants fell down the stairs and died ..
anyway, even with the new design it wouldn't be hard to find my way around ..
the one place i love the most in that school? the chapel/clock tower haha ..
well, chapel, something like a mini church hahah, so quiet and all, just love it ..
i remembered that they held somthing like mass in there during week days ..
a priest would be down, however i cant remember what ..
than christmas mass would be in the school hall, cool eh ? hahah ..
man i miss that place hahah, should go back one day with the guys ..
try to find our teachers hahaha, i know one teacher sure remember me ..
Ding lao shi hahah, she taught me, and my 2 elder brothers chinese ..
and i remembered her asking me, why your 2 elder brothers so
obedient but you are the direct opposite hhaha ..
oh yeah, she was neighbour as well when she was teaching my 2 elder bros,
and at that time i was a baby, and she held me hahahah ..
must go and find her hahahah ..
including those bitches who made me stay back after school to
write out pages and pages of sentences hahaha ..
write out lines as a form of punishment hahaha, can u guess what we did ? haha ..
simple technique, the fool scape paper lines are evenly spaced right ?
take a metal ruler, get a few same type pens, attached the pens
securely to the ruler with similiar spacing to the lines on the fool scape lines ..
so lets say you used 10 pencils, so when you write once,
the effect would be? 10 sentences produced, smart eh?
i found that out and taught that to my pals ..
wanna know why i had to think of a way ?
cause i stayed back many times a week hahahahahah, write till hand pain ..
so die die gotta find a way hahahah ..
think i found out of it through some chinese text book chapter,
was on technologies of the old chinese civilisation, photocopying ..
except the crafted the photocopying boards from wood ..
so with the same principal, one unit of effort, many times the unit of result :)
understand? very simple to digest right hahahah ..
the other way would be write everthing in black pen,
than out of 20 pages for example, say photocopy 10 ?
than randomly slot among the rest haha, staple and hand up hahah ..
all black mah ..
but of cause, dont use the school full scape, sure die, catholic high fool scape is blue ..
ahahhaha, tricks of the trade ..
hahah, dunch mind sharing this naughty stuff of mine
cause that was when i was young hahah, sec sch dun care le hahah ..
hmmm, what else hahaha, the Red Square hahahah ..
the assembly square which the chapel over looks, known as the Red Square ..
great place for any kind of games hahahah ..
except any ball games, cause its at the top of the hill ..
so once the ball goes, it just rolls all the way down haaha, and outta the school ..
yeah, see, what we do would be ..
every recess, run to the canteen, buy one satay stick of meatballs,
thats 3, moth ball sized meat balls, for 10 cents hahah ..
eat while running to the red square, than have our games while we were eating ..
and those short pants of ours, yuck tight and uncomfortable when we perspired ..
literally become hot pants hahahah ..
oh yeah, police and thief at the red square haha ..
the base of the clock tower / chapel is surrounded by plants ..
some plants were at that time taller than us, so we hid among them hahah ..
so while others are running around you can take a break there haha ..
if we decided to use the whole primary side alone, too bad for the catchers la ..
like 6 catchers also no use hahah ..
fun fun fun, pure fun in pri school ..
my favorite teachers, Ms Amanda Lim, Ms Charmaine Tan, Chen lao shi,
Ding Lao shi hahah ..
yeah this 4 haha, 4 that i can remember haaha ..
shall post a pic of my primary school pic in the next post hahah ..
thats all tata ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:54


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