Monday, March 05, 2007
alright i am so freaking bored now seriously ahahha ..actually i have been thinking quite a bit ..i really want the tongue piercing hahah, think i sahll do it when i stop band ..not that i am thinking of stopping band now but i mean in the future ..however i might have changed my mind about the piercing by then then i might consider it a total senseless act done for no good reason ..ok, since i am so bored, i shall blog haha, ok i am blogging what the hell haha ..should be, what i am gonna blog about right? right, mitchell you are a genius ..ok, crap, snap, frag? huh, which is the odd one out? ahhakk, i am gonna blog, yeah ..about what ?oh so sry, hmmm, about what i did today in band i guess hahah ..okie, was late for meeting by about 15 mins hahah ..entered the band room, found xing hong,also found out that he couldn't get the keys to the conference room ..went to the office, tried to get the keys, was told that someone drew the keys for swo meeting okie, went up to the conference room, placed my stuff there ..then went down and called up the other committee members and SLs ..wonder why they have to be called up, the com ..i mean we are all like used to it already right having meetings up there ..when the time is right, just go up la and wait for the others ..those that are late just go up asap right, such a waste of time having to call them ..alright, anyway had meeting, than poof, it was over pretty soon ..assembled my clarinet, than arranged my pieces on the stand ..assembled an extra stand too, just in case one of us needs one more ..okie, did all the music and stuff ..for some reasons i just cant play in tune today me and samual on the second stand, super out for some reasons ..on the first stand with vivian too ..i mean, it cant be others thats wrong since i am the fixed option ahaha ..yeah, and i went out of air super fast, during ssw practice too ..must be because of the cigarette, or empty stomach arghhh hahah ..ok, promise to stop smoking, oops, i lied ..ok band practice was over, kept my instrument, went ta buy some nuggets on my way back to the room, finished my nuggets outside la hahah ..entered the room, switched off 4 air cons ..walked over to my bag, arranged my scores, and kept them in my bag the contents of my bag and stuff ..brought my bag and clarinet over to the first row of seats ..arranged the chairs and latched the cupboards ..saw a pile of scores on a stack of chairs, very messy, looked familiar ..than was thinking whats that, why so familiar ..than i received enlightenment from some where ..that was a task that was over due for a week le, actually many weeks le ..did a quick check through the fucking scores which i am wondering why its me for some strange reasons not my stuff actually, ok its the percussion stuff ..lotsa old songs in it, el camino real and songs like that ..whole bunch of photocopied scores in there, torn and crumpled yeah, buang di dalam hahah ..found an old yellowish piece of score, was wondering how did it become like that ..wonder how they have that effect, just dumped it ..cant be original since it has that stamp mark in black like so many of the others ..hope i was right so i wont get into trouble,oh yeah, fuck hope, i dun need hope, its still in pandora's box ..okie lucky we are called SMs not SGW, really would be called Sai Gang Warriors ..not that its because we are doing the sai gang that no one wants to do ..but thats what they used to call the SMs back when i was in lower sec haha ..anyway it ain't that bad cause we get help from the members ..look at it in a good way ahah ..more or less, the studio managers get customize the band room haha ..okie, side tracked huh, please return to the war zone, dun MIA hahha ..after that, bought myself a can of milo hahah ..locked most of the cupboards save the wood winds ..went off at dunno what time, headed to the bus stop ..saw wai geng, wei hong, samual and alvin, boarded 169 together ..joked all the way to yishun, samual dropped off ..lefted the 4 of us, continued with the ride, joked again haha ..dropped off at my place, walked home ..and blogged ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:05