Notes N Wheels

Sunday, March 04, 2007

band practice ended around 6 today i think ..
time passed pretty fast today, extremely in fact ..
did rebroll, no potong ice cream, concerto for alto sax and lots of that woman's song ..
cant spell her name, some famouse chinese singer i guess ..
name is something like this T.Teng hahahh ..
anyway went home after band, didn't join the rest for dinner ..
saying money ahah, plus was a bit sleepy ..
slept around 2plus last night, than woke up at 12 today ahhah ..
rushed man, prepared for band and stuff haaha ..
i actually woke up at 10:10, switched off my hp alarm and went back to bed haha ..
than woke up again after that cause a friend called me ..
then i fell asleep again hahah what the hell right, sleepy head hahah ..
hmmm, think i dunch wanna know that cafe cartell girl le ..
like no point also hahah, shall not care about girls now ..
if there is one then there will be one right ?
open to all now hahah free for all mode, not literally free though ..
and no i dont come with a price tag too hahah ..
shall not ask girls for their numbers or anything similiar le ..
if your want than come to me, hahaha, i'll give my number just dunch flood me ..
ok, you can get it from which ever of my friends you know ..
hahah, ok, enough man !! thats enough about girls hahaha ..
next, take 3, ***CHOP***
would be meeting shawn tomorrow, going for the job stuff ..
hope i can get it, cause now i am super duper broke ..
lucky the pay out is every 2 weeks, good timing ..
if its every month, i would be broke very fast de ahhah ..
its a waste wilson cant make it tomorrow haiz, hope he can work with us too ..
than we can head to liquid kitchen every friday night together ..
oh, shall try to cut down on my drinking ..
i realise its affecting some part of me ..
its like, depending on how much i drink ok,
the result of the liquer will literally be seen the next day ..
as in, i can actually see it and its quite scary actually ahah ..
so yeah, i either got to find why, maybe because on all those occassions
i happened to be drinking on nearly if not on a really empty stomach ..
or its either because my stomach just cant take the alcohol, too strong ..
anyway really gotta find out the reason cause i love drinking i realised haha ..
okie, so yeah, maybe i would head down to esplanade after
shawn and i are done with the job thing ..
would be a pretty boring day tomorrow ..
actually wanna head down to yck in the afternoon tomorrow ..
than samual and i can practice no potong ice-cream together ..
oh, can pass him the rebroll scores to zap,
as well as get marcus's copy of the concertos as well ..
think i wanna get more concertos for fun, practice a bit more haha ..
well, shall end here for tonight, gosh i am bored again haha ..
always on the move eh? hahah bb

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:52


Cheng Fu
Emelyne Fok
Ernest Ong
Hong Ki
Tan Haiping
Joanne Goh
Jonas Oh
Marcus Tay
Ng Weeling
Nicholas Low
Shawn Tan
Xiao Ting
Ycksb Horns

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