Wednesday, May 09, 2007
just finished watching the Resident Evil Apocalypse. not very interesting, pretty boring, sadistic though not gory ahaha.hmmm, before that, was "chionging" at the cc hahaha.reached the cc, did some work. then started practicing. realise i am down after 2 bars.thats only a few secs, and i have to breathe again hahaha.shall work on that too. ok, think i clocked between an hr to and hr and a half today.quite ok i guess, think i needa change my practice method.push the limit bit by bit, practice, then break, then practice. that kinda point rushing head on. end up over tiring myself and i would end upworking backwards instead. reversing hahaha, undoing all that was done.think i must be patient with it, or is it myself? lol.think i shall make my way to the CC as often as i can. maybe after work or the evenings. work, go home wash up then to the CC hahah.let me see, found my method books haha, and a photo copied one, oops haha.tried out one page haha, managed to play through already.the last time i tried that page, gave up just after crossing the 1st half of the seems a little bit easier now. so maybe i have improved a little more hhaha.and the score that my friend gave me ahah. played it for fun.the running notes and stuff, cant get one of them, and it actually looks the easiest.just scale up than down all the way. the difficulty is on the 3rd and 4th note for me.hahaha, never mind, still got time to try it out hahah, saturday ? see when i am free this week.ok, someone pissed me off at work on saturday, and the same person pissed me off super big time after work today.who is that person? well its the manager, and the outlet manager to be when the current team leaves for the new outlet. kept bossing me around on saturday, that was ok. emphasized on team work to speed things up, yet she was slacking.that was what pissed me on saturday.and today, Kat was around, and i was late for work, over when i reached the work place, she said something sacastic, laughed it off.than Kat asked me, is there something that you didn't tell me that i should know?i was like huh? what thing? so she said, bela said you are gonna resign.okie, thats it, the both of us conversed in chinese the time at work today haha.than kat got pissed with her. it was Kat's shift, and Bela asked her to go for her break.and she kept asking her to go for her break, irritating and rude.than Kat found out from Grace that her public holiday leave, was scheduled by Bela also. Kat blew hahah, cause Grace was like being right, it was Grace right to choose her when she wanted her Public Holiday leave.but Bela did it for her. than another thing. over stock on the goods.Bela placed a carton of milk at my area, waffle station. i was like, die, my fridge no space le how ? told kat, kat ah, fridge mei wei le.Kat said, nvm i bao, see she diao me a not.after a while, bela came out black faced ahhaha. kat told her off about something.ok, so i went out for lunch with kat and stuff. and kat told me the story, about how bela started at gelare and stuff and how she screwed up at suntec and now dropped back to city link.ok nvm, before i left i checked the schedule. didn't realised that the entire schedule had been edited. took note of it, went off.on the way back in the train i was like, eh, wednesday is supposed to be my free day.gave Kat a call, gun bela down haha. ridiculous can you ask for my schedule last tuesday, plan my work time table,write it down on the schedule list, list for this week. tell me thats my schedule for this week, than suddenly, without telling me,you change my schedule. when kat questioned her about the changed.her reply was " oh he only stated that he wasn't free on sat and sun last tuesday "Kat and i was like peng man. i promise the next time she does that.and if she is lucky enough. when joann pops by, i shoot her down.cant believe an outlet manager handles things like that. shoot until i am happy, cant be bothered even i lose the job man.lucky thing for me is, the crew members, those like me, and the other 2 managers, lini and kat, are in the same boat as me.and the 2 managers quite dote on me haha, so i am quite some form of protection. plus danny threw in good words for me in front of joaan.added safety, especially from danny haha. oh one more thing, she keeps making us work at suntec even though the city link outlet is already running short on man power. why? because she wanna show suntec that she still backs them.FCUK, i feel like a pawn on a chess board, and she's the hand !!! FCUK FCUK, ordered by a filipino. your kind should be washing my shoes man.ok, got that off my chest. just had dinner, supper rather, just took my medicine.ok, shall wash up than turn in le. driving tomorrow hahaha. bang cars again ahaha.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:07