Notes N Wheels

Sunday, June 17, 2007

band practice today was pretty fast.
think the song that took up the longest time was the fourth symphony.
the others were pretty much alright, quite fast. yup.
did i leave anything behind, let me think...
hmmm, i dont think so. stand, tux, music scores, bag.
actually everything is home. yup, shall transfer the scores tonight.
meeting was well. some people just cant keep quiet,
while some just cant hide their feelings.
well, if one decides to link committment with number of tickets sold.
then well, i cant be bothered actually.
i cant be bothered if you sold 6 or whatever the figure.
as for that mouth that kept shooting off. its gonna be more than shut up next time.
come to think of it, it was actually two mouths.
wouldn't have been nice to express what i was really feeling.
that would leave some shocked. a smile doesn't mean i am fine with the game.
it just shows that i do not know how else to react
as the true expression is being kept secret.
cheating little girls hahah. that was quite funny actually.
never knew the "skill" could be used to sell tickets.
so are your selling the music or what. wonder how some sell.
never liked promoting. hmmm. not very good with it i guess.
1 ticket. 4 to go. yeah, 4 more if i remember correctly.
gotta run through the list. hope that kiddo's mum allows him.
than i got a real silly looking 1, compared to a 6.
wow, that's something. like what the fuck. not ur business, shut the fuck up.
this round's gonna be an all time low, weather station says so.
temperature should be near 0 degrees. wouldn't be higher then 2.

hmmm. how should i go about doing it.
a few options are avaliable. there's too much room actually.
might end up a big mess. must slowly think of a way to arrange everything.
weird that they would design it such that pouch thing is at the base.
it would just get squashed by everything. pretty tired now, cant think much.
hmmm. sometimes i wonder, if i were to think lesser.
maybe i would be less blur hahah. you know, day dream at times.
yeah, just thinking, day dreaming about things.
what i wanna do later or how should i go about doing this,
you know thoughts like that, yup. take up brain juice.
sucks the brain power away from doing other stuff.
than the person starts to stone, that blurry face.
yup, so i sort of must like, divert away from that stoning mode.
quite silly actually. ok, this paragraph is just bull shit. most of it.

monday, spend some time running about, rectify some problems.
tuesday, hopefully that problem is gone. than i would have free time for ourselves.
one person's problem rubs onto another and it just keeps going on.
think i shall never lend anyone money already.
besides those that are close enough. and i shall put a cap to the amount.

ah, her chocolate cake is gone. finished. no more. bu jian le.
in the stomach. out as poo. what else?
salad tomorrow hahaha, or noodles, or what, i dunno.
see what she whips up. her sister and future bro in law is back.
which means we may meet tomorrow or on tuesday.
well, when i am back from aussie, the sis is a sure thing.
never encountered an elder sister before. think its gonna be a challenge.
and a FBIL haha. double the challenge. parents are pretty easy.
enough practice in that area. older siblings.
i am a newbie at this one. hmmm. shall do some research work.
find out more about them hahaha. that would make tackling the problem easier.
she wanna watch this musical, king leer or something like that.
the one at the esplanade from the 19th to the 21st.
i was like huh, sounds boring hahaha. i am not into musicals at all.
dunch know how to appreciate them. not all of them.
so yeah, she's gonna get her sister, even if she has to pay her sister's share haha.
hmm, i haven't decided what i should get for her yet.
shall give that some thought before going to bed.
its 19:53 and i am like sleepy already. think i shall pack up a bit here and there.
oil my mistress tomorrow morning. head to the governess house after that.
and lunch hahahaha.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:13


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