Thursday, June 14, 2007
this is pretty interesting, never knew such things could happen.why, haha, i sound down right evil at times. black hearted.well, who really gives a damn about some things in life anyway.and why, isn't relationships an interesting thing too.sometimes i just wonder. what the hell am i doing. i mean being in a relationship and stuff, just looking back in time.all those relationships i was in, where the girls were our game.thats how, love became a game. which was of cause pretty unhealthy.but of cause, one shouldn't feel for their game.doesn't make sense to feel for the hunted.i saw something else today, which started me thinking.i saw two couples. one during my break time, and one after work.the girls were crying in both cases. in the first, the guy seemed pretty caring the second, it was clear the guy couldn't be bothered.i was like, hmmm, why are they crying? we guys can be such jerks at times right?i thought that not because i felt sorry for the girl.the situation was more of an amusement to me, sparked my interest.then i thought to myself, hmmm, i used to be that guy.would there be a chance that i might be that guy again?the answer, yes there is a very very high chance. chances of it happening? quite low though. the beast has been i was just thinking as well, is there really such a thing as love?i am beginning to doubt that love would ever exist any more.the reason why a mother might save her child from being hit by a car, isn't based on her love for the child but rather, from motherly instincts.its an animal thing. i seriously doubt parental love. dun ask me if i have ever loved a girl then, cause my answer, was never strong enough for those feelings to be considered love.i am pretty tired. shall continue if i feel like it.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:29