Friday, June 15, 2007
okie, i'll go first.
alright, your turn.
caught by surprise hahaha. yeah that blur retarded look of mine. alright, thats the 3rd pic of the day i think,before we decided to move to the kitchen.after like a dozen over pictures. figuring out the cam, experimenting with the different functions and stuff's camera by the way, not mine, i borrowed it. and i could only take a miserable 13 pictures as he had swapped the 2gb card for a 64mb one, sians. haha.luckily, her dad left his lappy behind hahah. so yeah, just transferred.what did we do today. hmmm. shopped at orchard and bugis.went on a parker hunt. its on a 20% discount now, so we bought one.quite a nice looking one. fell in love with the fountain tip ones. but yeah, they are pretty troublesome to maintain, not to mention, beauty comes with a price. quite classy actually.and then, we headed to her place. alright, fell in love with her apricot chocolate cake.mum, sister and martin found it, not bad. of cause they only knew it was done by her after they had given their comments.had a chat with her mum, i think like a 30 mins long one haha.pretty used to chatting with parents already, practice makes perfect.however, she had to hit on the family topic, like duh.and that got me sitting straight. i am bad at that topic, real bad.but yeah, managed to pull it off hahaha. pretty fun day. that thick skin arse had to like keep messaging her again as usual.we were just chatting about a friend, and that fellow totally pissed us. was like, dun wanna chat now, with my bf. and he would reply.until finally it was, sorry but i really do not feel like chatting with you.then a sorry reply. really felt like calling the bastard. fcuk him proper over the phone, couldn't be bothered that it was at mac.trying to solve our friend's problem and here the bloody idiot is.alright she has this friend, since pri school but subsequently lost know, different JC's and stuff like that.yeah, so the friend was pretty fat, lost alot of weight in sec school, badminton club.enter this among the top JC kind, was very pretty, had plenty of friends.then she became anorexic, took a drastic personality change over from miss super popular, she had like zero friends in the end. her wrist is now thinner than the my swatch face 3/4 of it or something. and whats the best part?she says there's a ghost speaking to her in her head. like a second voice kinda thing, but she said that her friend said it was a ghost speaking to her in her head.sounds schizophrenia hahaha, auditory hallucinations.or the phantom of the opera? man, i am pretty tired. shall stop here. sleep under the sun tomorrow. oh i learnt something from a friend can get a tan, without getting sun burns hahaha. just flip every 20mins, back front back kinda thing. best time for a tan? 12:00 to 17:00. takes time though haahha.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:10