Sunday, June 10, 2007
something weird happened on i think friday night.yeah. laid on my bed, was trying to sleep. was actually pretty tired physically.mentally, i was super fresh, thats around 2 am so yeah.thats when i am mentally super wake. anyway, was trying to sleep, shut my eyes but i just couldn't sleep.then i started thinking, how does one sleep? what must one do to sleep? you know, the steps and stuff.then i thought, wouldn't it be a torture, horrible, if one has to think of how to sleep,in order to sleep? super torture right? and i fell asleep. yeah i have problems getting to sleep.hmmm, think i shall bring along one long sleeve just in case.but that's kinda pointless since i'll be bringing a jacket.shall think about it, think things through first. still have some time left to decide on what to bring. the list is out already though. this trip shall be a "wardrobe clean out"move for me as well hahahahah. oh that reminds me, i needa hang something first.i miss that scent, that vanilla one she sprays on. just love it soooo much.its not light yet not heavy, just nice. its a really wonderful scent haha.some of it got on my jacket. the right shoulder area of my jacket. so that day she was like, oooo you smell good and i was like, hahah, its your perfume. yeah, think i shall spray some of it on my jacket.with her permission of cause, may just two times ? it reminds me of her hahah. everytime i pick up the scent i would think of her.this was supposed to be a post free of anything about girls but yeah, broke it.if its Mitchell, there's bound to be a lady hahaha.hmmm, what should i get for my birthday? i cant think of anything i want.i was thinking of a camera, but i am saving for one already. besides that, there's nothing else i want. i usually only get sec 2 dad bought me a pen cause i really didn't know what to get that was useful.she wants to get me something and i am like, no please don't. maybe you could shop for groceries then cook a birthday meal and we could have it together hahaha. i don't like those kinda silly stuff. even the camera as a gift to myself,i find it a waste of money actually ahhaha, cause its not like i would keep using it.maybe i should get myself a pen like in sec 2, parker or sheaffer.cause with a pen, you could write. and the chances of me using the pen as compared to the cam, would be like so much more often, almost everyday kinda thing.yet with a cam, i could capture precious moments. thats the one one thing that can capture time, what others cant. pictures. moments frozen in time.but say if i choose a pen, shall it be parker or sheaffer or mont blanc :Xhahaha, no la, mont blanc's kinda out hahaha.shall decide, i have about a month more hahaha.she's on my mind more frequently nowadays.i seem to be losing control of that take it easy thing.its like, i have just lost 10% of my control over my i am only 90% capable of taking things easy hahaha. darn.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:00