Sunday, June 03, 2007
so weird the feeling. cant shake it off really.there's a sense of want, of longing for her. yet there's also the laid back feeling.maybe our decision on how to handle matters before they happen, actually does affect the way we handle it whether or not we really apply those decisions. so yeah, maybe that's why i am so laid back about it yet i am longing for her.missing her and everything. thats just so me when i am attached.but its not, so me, to just be relaxed about the whole thing.usually, inside, i am jumping all over the place. yeah, its better this's band practice was hmm how do i describe.ok, its just a kinda, cleared one dept only to earn a few more hahah.yeah ahah, managed to clear off 2 or 3 pieces, but we had like 3 or 4 more pieces to replace them, what a bummer.but nevermind, i don't think it would move much, those 4.trying to get the aussie pieces settled first. this week i would be pretty free i guess.gonna chiong again. chionging proves pretty effective. one person, one room, full concentration, nothing to distract me. unless of cause she smses me, but even so its not much of a distraction for me once i sort of like " lock-on ". and there are more sectionals being organised.what can be better than that, playing together is quite a nice thing.its pretty irritating sometimes, to be able to play one part now, and yet a few mins later, you cant play the same part.thats what they call lack practice i guess. really irritating.its like the fingers just go retarded or something hahah.for me, if that happens, i'll just work on a different part, settle that part, than return to the previous part i was working on.settle it than confirm both. i find it helps at times. cause like if i can working on the same thing, my fingers sort of go retarded.ok, just now was really dumb. fell asleep, woke up, saw her msg and i replied.the thing is, i was still half in dream land. so i took the corner of my pillow asa tree branch that acted like a hand for me. so i just msged her back, very briefly,placed my hp under the "tree branch" and expected it to reply for me.and i just went back to sleep hahahha. it was only a while later, which i have no idea how long was the a while, that i realise my folly.pretty funny, was like sleeping on grass, soft green grass.with a tree branch for my pillow, haaha, maybe a fallen branch.but it had green leaves so yeah, puzzling.oh gosh, finding myself missing her again. sucks to be in love. great to be loved.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:02