Friday, July 06, 2007
okie first things first, shit i feel like getting one of those Transformers toys.haahaha don't ask me why, my hands are just feeling itchy.i thought i was nuts or something. anyway, popped by Suntec Carefour.i think it was wednesday, yesterday. decided to check out the Transformers section.again. guess what, there weren't any children there. there were the big boys instead hahaha. guys my age, guys in office attire blah blah.after a while of drooling over them, i decided i had to tear myselfaway from the place before i bought one, i already decided i was seating at Gelare when i saw one of the guys ( formal attire with neck tie ),happily chating with his friend, and in his arms, one of those toys.i was like, oh my gosh oh my gosh, dun seeeeee....ok things between us are, well what can i say. going great, ahahaha. as usual, still learning more about each other. this is the "honey moon" period i guess. when everything is just smooth sailing.when there are little or no arguements. but yeah, its the best time to sort things out.sort of like the best time to clarify matters before they become a problem in the future. lucky thing i decided to do that when we started.cause my friend's relationship went on the rocks, didn't clarify matters at the start.and they are engaged, thats the really really sad part.determined to make this one work out. more then ever.ok, bought Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 Advanced War Fighter, xbox.bro decided to get the Forza 2 as well, paid 5 dollars more for th limited edition's new toys came in as well. bought an expresso machine for himself.and his samsung TV too, replaced the one in the living room. two toys for him, one for me and one for bro. ours cost like 80 each's haiz, for coffee. but i get to use it too hahaha. i love coffee.marcus is pretty excited about the game. cause there, he can zeng his car like siao.something he cant do in real life hahaha. me well, i just cleared the first mission 2 days ago, have not touched it since.its a really really cool game. army's knocking on the door. got to do the online stuff on the 18th, dreads.gotta rush my driving already. take two or three days off work, complete it.studying for the damn final theory trial test. seriously, so many words.the moment i take it out of my bag, i am like, arghhh.just have to force it down. what choice do i have if i want the world's been rocked
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:10