Monday, October 23, 2006
i just realised that there is a common thing in those girls that i like ..or those "my kind" girls, something that makes them the same ..something that works hand in hand closely with their upbringing ..this applies to girls that i like nowadays, not like last time where i would look at the face only :X and this common thing used to be my most dreaded thing hahah ..hmmm, so strange and so weird that its like this ..was thinking of other things today ..its been quite a while ..i dont really hold on to that hope anymore ..i think it would be called fat hope hahah,or wait long long haha ..well, i have all the time in the world right :)and there are so many fishes out there ..what do u believe ?i was taught that he places people in our life for a reason ..its up to us to work things out with those people and achieve what we want ..of cause not for evil intentions, but for the good of both ..maybe the teachings are different ..but it cant be since so many peoplesay the same thing, and they have the same background friends says this, so does some christians friends ..hmmm, guess we will never know whether this life partner thing really exists till we meet him right haha many conflicting answers for now i am like a wild bird free to roam the sky ..not caged up in any way haha ..made new friends recently, boys and girls ..nice people, great people ..anyway, tml is the BBQ ..hope to know more people haha ..there are really alot of nice people out there actually ..its whether you wanna reach out and know them yeah, hope to know more people :)oh yes, i made some commitments during the men's encounter haha one forced me, rather i went to ask the person for help with the problems ..never expected that i could do that ..usually i wouldn't even think of doing that ..and i removed my ear stud, threw away all my ear rings and stuff ..let me see, in total, my collection cost me about 70 bucks ..hahaha, thats alot man, changed like once a month average ..kk, shall stop here, blog again after i returnhome from the BBQ tomorrow ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:08