Notes N Wheels

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

beauty, the most beautiful / handsome people usually have a symetrical face.
meaning one half is the mirror image of the other. amongt the chinese,
teochews have the most beautiful girl. girls with oval shape faces are
usually quite beautiful, or rather, usually beautiful girls have oval faces.
beauty, is what is beneath the skin, its not what you can touch, but what you can feel.

had 2 dreams last night. one was about studies which was quite funny.
the other was about, hmmmm, i forgot.
how easily we forget our dreams, when u wake up, you remember you had them.
yet just a few blinks later, you forget whats the content of your dreams,
except that you had one. dreams dreams dreams.
no more nightmares already, which is good. sleeping well.

man, think i should sleep without the air conditioning, skip cold drinks
and ice lemon tea already. got that weird feeling when i breath deeper than usual.
like a blockage there or something. oh yeah, stop eating ice cream too hahaha.
and all those smoothies hahaha.

surprised you actually worked your side out pretty well.
dunch know how you do it hahah, doesn't mean i wanna learn though.
sometimes knowledge corrupts. yeah. cant step on two boats all the time.
actually come to think of it, i think its super bad la.
imagine if the girl finds out, shattered heart man. kk, thats so not like me.
but the fun's over so yeah.

hahaha what kinda face i like, oval !! that has always been my choice.
ok not my choice, but i seem to have a liking for oval faces.
guess oval gives a very demure and feminine look to the girl,
and the face being the first thing people would see, plays a very big 1st impression.
the chin, i know what its like that i like but i dunch know how to describe.
the other features huh, hmmm, sharp? yeah. sharp. medium big eyes.
long hair !! ahah, yeah i love long hair with those very slight natural wavy curls.
like only a few curls from root to tip kinda thing. color doesn't matter.
man i am like customizing a face, and it looks very similiar to someone.
which should be the case cause its not healthy.
yeah ahahha, so thats all that i can think of. ok this is another random one.
sorry i am trying to kill time. have like up to 4pm to kill.

arghhh, i really cant remember what was the dream about.
i know it had to do with her and a few of our friends, yet i cant piece it.
well, what was it, oh man oh man. i only remember i woke up after that.
it was quite a mild dream as in, not like action packed or what hahah.
more like those peaceful dreams. quite calm and stuff.
well i dunch know.

hmmm, the date has yet to be confirm and i cant confirm it.
how to when emotions are down. emotions emotions emotions.
its interesting how emotions can affect the state of mind, therefore,
affecting its judgement of matters. if i cant confirm soon,
than maybe it has to be post poned. there are some other things i wanna do as well.
yet i just cant figure out how to do it. ok, must remember to bring some things.
gotta bring that plastic container, seperate the spoilt ones from the workable ones.
than up they go, cause they cant be thrown i last heard.
its already quite packed up there, quite heavy a load already.
if you cant close the door, just shift the loads to another position.
the wood planks sag under the load so the doors can close properly.
there's still that one mega space consuming pinky. and i cant get rid of it.
if those green dividers weren't there, it would have been easier to relocate the pinky.
the greenies really causes any layout change to be very minimal.
to hang those stuff you need the greenies? no not true.
think i shall bring down a measuring tape this week, wanna check out something.
its one large space back in that area. how can i free it up, think mitchell.
you ain't that dim, think think think.

that one thing's still on my mind. work with that one thing.
learnt it to be quite dangerous. oh, realised that have been quite a meanie.
calling people names and stuff on my blog haha. ok shall make a mental note.
thats one aspect i could improve on, respect others even if they are like,
not worth respecting. but yeah, thats just the most basic respect one could show.
addressing people by their names properly.
ok i am referring to like, butch, idiot and stuff,not like a friend's nickname.
and the general word, you, would still be used of cause.
its weird how people when they read, tend to link the certain words
to certain characters. especially with words that doesn't specify anyone.
you could be anyone. you could be you who are reading this,
it could be my neighbour, it could be me myself.
all depends on how i use it and the situation i am describing.
of cause i won't describe it very clearly, especially when i am vending my frustrations.

like this, you are really a pain in the neck you know.
cant understand what you want so yeah, open your mouth perhaps.
thats for fun, hahaha, ok so random.
hmmm, wonder who cme up with that ba zhi thing. what birthdays, zodiac and stuff.
wonder how do they calculate it, pretty interesting.
think it must have been the chinese with their astronomical science again.
is that the word ? i am not sure, studying of the stars and space.
using it to tell the future or explain events and things like that.
they mus have made very good mathematicians since everything needed
to be calculated. even the time when the emperor met his wife.
all this needed to be calculated according to the stars, they cant just meet.

oooo, i feel so liberated. i mean, the feeling of my neck not having have tickling it.
ahaha, its like my neck had something stucked on its back haha.
and during hot days like this where i would be perspiring alot,
it just feels worst la, really uncomfortable. okie its really cooling though
i only trimmed it. gotta self trim my fringe about a months time.
how many paragraphs are there already, been thinking and typing for quite a while.
feel like falling asleep again hahha. ok, there are 10, not many actually.

hmmm, feeling prety sleepy again. too bored already. really nothing to do.
wonder whether they are being bombed now. hope they get it good.
still can aloha, see how you hahaha later, aloha.
the japanese judges are the funniest, all the jap ones i seen so far,
got something funny to do one. and they can make the crowd laugh
without saying anything. well, fats have clogged those american brains.
oh by the way, do your know that americans are actually parias?
as your know the original people on that continent are definately not
the fat whites that we know of today.
infact, the fats whites came from europe mainly. different parts.
so yeah, mix and mix, if you guys ain't mongrels, i dunch know then
what should i call the stray paria dogs roaming our streets.
cause they have been mixed quite well too, though not with a few hundred
years of history like yours tsktsk. ok maybe i'll just call your parias too. hahah.

ok that was so, hahaha. yeah, not like a boy ahahha.
what a way to end hahahaha, feel happier already.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 13:13


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