Notes N Wheels

Sunday, April 15, 2007

changed the music, it appeared to be that i was searching in the wrong
folder all this while. i have two folders under "noise". anything other than band songs, would go under "noise" hahah. yeah, so i have been searching through
the wrong one thinking that it was in there.
anyway here it is, enjoy.

hmmm, i wanna play Queen symphony hahaha.
socky just sent me part of the symphony. was like awww man, wanna play it.
that was just like a few mins into it hahaha.

hmmm, to love something, we must first learn to respect it.
am i right to say that? ok, i mean someone not something.
and anyway, if you dont respect that someone,
you cant expect that someone to respect and maybe love you in return right?
ok, just a random thought. really leads no where.
just thought of it, so yeah, i dunch know. it sounds pretty stupid.
anyway its for nothing.

man, that thing is still on my mind. i have slightly under two months to decide.
ts something i wanna do. however the reason i wanna do it,
totally does not justify the act of doing it.
do your know why trust between people is such a dangerous thing?
because in this case, you may start to trust a person at one stage.
yet people change, and some how this trust may be betrayed.
but because you trust this someone, you would never expect this someone
to do something like that. its not anything, its just gonna be disappointing.
the one that i would be betraying ultimately, would be my principles i feel.
i dunno, still got time to think. weighing everything now.
i saw a documentry on egypt. when the pharoh dies, when he is in the hall
of the Gods and being judged, they would weigh his heart against a feather
on a scale. i think when my is dropped there, the feather would catapault.

man, this song on the blog now is suppose to add bright colors.
yet what i am blogging about, its like contridicting.
ok, be positive, spread positive thoughts hahaha.

okie, went for dinner just now, had a treat, thanks for filling my tummy haha.
you know who you are hahah. really never had such a filling meal
since i started working. packet food ain't enough ahhhaha.
hmm bought blank CDs. bought bubble tea haha.

haha, was talking about songs on the way back.
come to think of it, i never really listened to music.
i only had 2 CDs at the end of sec 4, plus one tape.
yeah, 1 CD was Max 5, the other was Dimitri Shostrakovich symphony 4 & 5
plus Benjamin Britten Symphonia da Requiem & Sea Interludes.
the tape was from my mother, veyr old tape, Beethoven's symphonies.
the more famous ones, dunch know which though.
just loved it so just kept listening to it once every few nights.
like from sec 2 to 4 hahaha, thats where i got the clarinet sound idea.
Bubbles of Hot Chocolate, thats how i described it when i was asked.
yeah, thats all i have hahaha, only after poly year 1 sem 1, did i start to buy CDs.
and it was all classical hahaha, dun have a single pop song or anything ahha.
all "stole" from dad / marcus. no point stealing from vanessa.
hers is like chinese la, cant understand.

band today was fine, somehow something's like, erm not there.
yeah, just felt it wasn't there. hmmm was resting in the first part of mvt 3.
so i was just like listening to the song. only thing i know about it,
is that his daughter died and thats for her i think, not sure, his memories.
so yeah, found that part like having a sort of thing to do with,
child like innocence, very quiet and still, pure, but too calm for me,
became a little unsettling for me, like eerie.
non potho reposare was killer. very tiring la, yeah, i know it shouldn't
be an excuse or anything for me. ok, i just lack practice la haha.

hmmm, spice girls, one of them has a nice voice.
the super duper british kinda accent. ok this is so random.
cant wait to get out of this country ahhah.
oh today is the first time i saw my sister in like 2 over weeks.
never seen her for so long till i was wondering last night.
eh, vanessa got camp or what meh, so long never see her hahah.
okie, not sleeping tonight. meetin tz at yishun mrt at 6 wahahah.
what shall i do, install star craft and chiong without cheat codes haha.
7 enemies, would take about 1hr plus per game.
hahaha, if not play xbox loh, time would sure fly hahaha.
okie shall end here ahhaha.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:38


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