Notes N Wheels

Thursday, April 12, 2007

think i'll be sleeping quite early tonight.
been getting like, 5 to 7 hrs of sleep every night, recently.
so i am quite tired now, and anyway its a good time.
no work tomorrow. meaning i would be able to sleep till late afternoon.
yeah, so i am just gonna grab the chance hahah.

hmm, found a cut on my finger, those kinda surfacial cut.
a tiny winy bit of blood but thats all haha, no blood left to bleed anyway.
work was boring today, no customer equals no orders, ok few orders la, not none.
Audrey and her friend came over today, pretty friend, seems like the nice girl kind.
and oh yeah, ran an errand after work.
made my way to suntec city gelare, our outlet ran out of fine sugar for tea.
let me see what have i learned today.
learnt how to mend the cashier station, and some new dishes and drinks, yup.
well, thats all for work, few customers, few opportunity to learn new stuffs.

okie, finished the cello concerto this morning, by Elgar.
and Jean Sibelius' symphony 4 and 6.
i find his 4th rather dark. maybe its just me.
train ride home was well, horrible. train terminated at AMK due to technical fault.
boarded the next train bound for yishun and some idiot farted along the way.
to make things worst, i was surrounded by ladies, save the ah pek behind me.
and my eye has this red line running from the edge of the "yoke"
to dunch know where does it end hahah. just one thick red line.
guess i am too tired, been there since yesterday afternoon ahaha.
haiz, what a day, so boring and tiring.

oh yesh, spot on correct. see i am so smart haha.
told you i would be able to spot who that special person is hahaha.
none of your know this friend of mine though, pri school de.
keep in touch once in a while.

haha, yeah, his is quite settled, what about me?
i dunch know whether she knows, i dunch think she'll ever know.
no, i don't go for looks hahah, looks are just a bonus and for first impression.
however there's no need for looks in this case as i have
know her for quite a while. anyway, she's pretty to me already haha.
look at her, her heart, with your heart.
yeah, we often fail to be able to appreciate one's inner beauty
emphazing instead, on one's physical attributes. thats so human.
what you see is what you get. thats quite wrong i feel,
when we are dealing with the human.
i am not gonna elaborate cause its gonna be long and i am tired.
so yeah, for me, she's already there ahhaaha.
a place has been given to her, in where?
surprisingly enough, it seems to be in that one place that i thought,
would never be able to open its doors for another.
yeah, its a room, room for one only, quite small.
and i am pretty particular as to who i wanna give it to hahah.
to give a rough gauge as to what i would do for her, hmmm.
i'll play a concerto if she wants me to hahah, seriously.
of cause i'll make sure the concerto is properly done.
not some crap standard just to say, nah i did it, yeah.

oh man, hungry and dinner's not back.
guess its gonna take quite a while more cause dad's out.
shall take a nap or something, wake up at what ever time,
heat up the food and have it as dinner.

i dont mind you controling me.
i dont mind doing silly things in front of you.
i dont mind your attitude towards me, what ever it is.
somehow, i have learned to see you differently from before.
why is this so? guess its my love for you.
i just yearn to hear you scold me
rather than to not hear your
voice at all anymore.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:51


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