Notes N Wheels

Monday, April 16, 2007

eagles belong up there, the high flyers, king of the skies.
due to stormy weather, today's flight was bumpy.
nothing was lost, you are still the eagle in everyone's eyes.
the feared and revered golden eagle.
live to fly for tomorrow, it never dies, its always there.
~~~~~~~Victus Infinitus~~~~~~~
hmmm, as was said i shall say it again, the 3rd time today.
if anything good came out of the competition, it was that YCK and DH
were brought closer together. its not the metal that matters,
especially when we have such excellent judges from the American Continent mainly.
yeah, oh, maybe your can get that conductor, erm the one that looks
like the colonel kentucky or what, KFC de, maybe he can treat your KFC.
anyway, its not the metal that matters, ahahah.
in such a competition, even if you get a GWH, its like the metal ain't clean.
most important thing in the com, or any other com, is that we win cleanly.
man, you know what, i feel like reshaping that moustache of his.
so *(^*%(^*^%(&^ looking can. maybe clip off one side of it.
i can use one can of loreal hair spray in a week, same for your moustache?
tsk tsk so kawaii ahahahah.
well well, your did well today. anything that is meant to happen,
would happen during the com, its just dumb luck.
what matters is that your have did your best in preparing yourselves for the com.
okie, enough said about the com ahah.
i still cant get over the moustache though, didn't expect anyone in this
era, in singapore, to keep such a thing. yeeewwww ahahahahah.
curse you kanna hair lice, tsk tsk.

well, had my hair cut le hahaha. took a bus from amk interchange to yishun.
slept on and off while traveling there so it seemed pretty fast ahahah.
okie, its shorter though still the same style, neater and more cooling
for the back of my neck haha, cut the tails away hahah, curling all over.
i quite like it curling from the back to the front actually.
looks hmmm, unique? heehee, i only know of my elder brother who has that.
like ya la, we have the same genes hahaha, curly hair too.
okie, wont be trimming my hair till after the com or concert le.
keep it long hahaha. wanna see how long i can take it.
oh yeah, hahaha, marcus is like 20 plus, and dad still doesn't
allow him to keep his hair that long hahah, fringe is like 3/4 that of andrew's.
than dad would say, go and cut your hair la, so girl.
no i am not directing this at andrew haha, just saying only.

hmmm, finally had my shower just now, after a long day.
felt so good, under the hot running water. hahaha, simply love it.
oh yeah, i had an egg tart before i left house today ahah, i love egg tarts, since young.
the other that i love alot alot, would be chocolate eclairs hahah.
just give me one to make up for any wrong and i would instantly forgive you.
ahahha, still remember that box of 5, protected it like no tomorrow.
yeah ahha, birthday present. 5 chocolate eclairs from bearded papa.
okie food food food, lucky i had my dinner already haha.

hahahah, you you you. ironic that thinking of you makes me crack my head.
cause it was also because i was thinking of you that i felt asleep for a short while.
well, hmmm, yeah, i dunno, thats just feelings for humans haha.
amazing right this love thingy, k i have been saying this for like the past few days.
love, can the devil love? i wonder. and if he does, what would happen.

ok i am changing bit by bit already ahah. no more craving for sticks.
same for the drinks ahhaha. ok i prefer plain water haha. oh my face seems, fatter.
ok that was random but its good news for me ahah. ok back.
yeah, i found out something interesting about myself today, or rather, realised it.
i dare to speak to strangers just like that nowadays haha.
like there was a group of SA supporters outside the hall.
i think because of the way we were dressed, they kept looking at me and tian ze,
thinking we were the ones who were gonna give out the tickets.
i wasn't agitated with them lcking their eyes on us as we proceeded nearer to them.
yet i just had to say it cause i couldn't stand it, so i went,
No we are not here to distribute the tickets if thats what you are thinking.
heck the saints. like how holy are your hahahah.
not referring to the heavenly beings, they have my respects.
than there was the DH eupho player, eugene. ji siao him.
whatever he asked i just kept giving super lame cold answers,
in the end he gave up asking and was like, ahh, dun wanna talk to you already.
and that was when he finally got a proper answer, only to one question haha.
ok la, cause i asked him what was his name after he did something,
and he replied jolynn, so i was like oh yeah, ya right, dragged him to socky.
she gave the real name, jolynn huh hahaha, how manly ahahah.
but yeah, nice kid, heehee, can call him kid hahaha. think he is sec 2 or 3 only.

i wonder who ever had the idea that when a person has an ear piercing,
that person is a hooligan. narrow minded right. its like saying.
when a person is thinking out loud, he is mental. not all cases are true.
okie, my tattoo was an act that i cannot justify haha. in a moment of folly?
i dunno, too playful i guess, not matured enough at that time.
not regretting it though, i dun see the point in regretting things like that.
whats important is that we learn from it.
i always tell my mother, might seem very rude though.
would you stop nagging about the situation and start thinking of a solution instead?
its only like that when i am super pissed already though.
yeah, same thing, i dun see the point in crying over spilled milk.
we should always be on the move for the future, not harping on the past.
i am not saying that the past is not an important thing though.
its neccessary for us to reflect on what we have done, our past,
in order to create a better future out of ourselves.
yeah, anyway the ear piercing thing came from eugene. i asked why he removed it.
was just curious, so that was his reply, have ear hole look like ah beng.
so you have perfect ears? tsk tsk. he said it had closed.
i was like, yeah but the marking is still there, no point right in removing. hahah.
of cause i wasn't encouraging him to get it re-done la.
just wanted to bring my point across that if he didn't want it,
he shouldn't have gotten it in the first place. a moment of folly too?
yet it must have been there for quite long to not close fully. so he wanted it.
and only thought it silly quite a while later. ok thats just my guess.

i wonder i wonder.
what does it take to change.
change anything, a person, a mind,
a heart, an idealogy, a life, love.
can love be changed?
a switch of hearts,
was that love?

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:00


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