Thursday, April 19, 2007
just woke up not long ago. chatted with 2 people whom i dont usually chat with.ok, like chat le than will end up either party getting a little pissedby the was a friend the other was my dad. both conversations considered long le haha.yeah, the one with my dad. was like around 10 sentences from him and another 10 from me. was asking him about speakers. than he asked me whether the beef he cooked was nice. than asked about my driving.yeah ahah. so ok, maybe 10 to 15 sentences from each of us.thats quite good already, considering the length of the conversation, and that we didn't end up in an arguement hahahaha.oh yeah, addison's movie review got published hahaha. cool eh.its on the web hahaha. thats the link to his movie review on, The Letters of Death.go read it. every click on it helps him. theres a counter on it, so one com one click.the more the better for him. affects his grade in a if you have the time just click on it, and READ it hahaha.i wonder why. hmm, why am i so like, prone to falling in love haha.such a bad thing can. sure die because of this one day.Alexander the Great - i came, i saw, i conquered.Mitchell the boy - i came, i saw, i fell in love.haiz haiz haiz. i think i wanna go for a surgery ahaha, remove my heart.replace it with a mechanical one. those kinda clock work type, gears and provide the "life" hahaha, i shall use, Seiko kinetic hahaha.everytime i walk, power will be produced and stored ahhaha.k, enough crapping hahah. yeah, its sucks to fall in love.with the seemingly wrong girls for me some more. ahhh. can someone tell me what should i do? or can some one just murder me?or can some one knock me sillier than what love has already done to me.either would be great. dunch wanna talk to her at times.its like, see her online, i'll just ok she's not there.trying to break it, realised it ain't that easy. can like shut down my com.only to switch it back on 3 mins later, and repeat the process a few times.cause i am trying to not msn her hahaha. surprising my com can take, mosquito bites all over my arm and my eyes are burning.guess they are tired or something. the mosquitos are terrible can they like raid my arms just like that. i'll bite them back when i get them.suck back my blood haha. yeah, these few nights for like 2 weeks place has been infested with mosquitos. maybe due to the rainy daysa few weeks back. there's like a pond thats pretty much stagnant in the center of the forest. so maybe thats where they are coming from.not a very big body of water yet not very small. and my hands have got rashes, now its just the scar or what thats left.i seriously dunno how i got it. and i ate more prawn stuff. die die.seriously, its like after typing a few sentences. i would have to pause to scratch some where on my arms or back haha.irritating.ok the dye didn't produce the color i want. maybe due to the previous color thats why. some of the hair strands may still have it.shall just get gatsby dye or something the next round. tried to avoid it as gatsby uses super strong bleach as compare to the rest.thats what i heard la, and thats why it really eats in.wont dye for a month plus i think hahah. not very happy with this color though.never mind shall see how. maybe shopping again tomorrow, since i am free.drop by yishun central for a while. see what can i get from there.ok, make that later on, since its thursday already.wanna ask them to get one of those chin up bars that you can fix between the door frames. those length adjustable ones.than i can just chin up as an when i want. have to set it real high though unless its like 2 meters long than i can set it in the walk wayfrom my room to my clothes cupboards. yeah, the partition to the wall.2 meters is a good length, but mad alternative would be to hang a bamboo pole from vanessa's room window,and have the other end being supported by the room of the porch.than do chin up there hahaha, if it rolls off, i'll just be wet. caught in the rain today. was walking out of my place, on my way to work.and it was raining, so yeah. it was a super slight drizzle actually.than halfway through, it became heavier so haha. not that bad though.i love water actually. i dunch know why so don't ask me hahah.i find it nice. can just think of all the things you could do under the rain.and i have said this many times. its so romantic ok.under the rain wih the one you love / like. even if its just holding hands,or maybe playing under the rain with each other.couples play, they dun feel stupid doing so. like what she said to me before.i dont feel ashamed or embarassed when i do silly things in front of you.maybe because they dun mind embarassing themselves in front of each other.they have alread let down their guard and therefore, the child in them is able to freely express itself. there's a child in all of us.remember that advertisement? where they dad placed the batts in the RC car?than he played it instead of letting his child play it? yeah.ok, same thing happened to me before hahaha.ok, back back, its romantic, purely romantic.water adds another effect though, to how the guy views the girl. i find.i shall not say it cause its like, r21 hahahaah. sorry but it just creates it.not all the time of cause. one of them is under the rain. BUT take note, if you wanna try under the rain, make sure its not a thunder storm or like a super heavy rain can ahaha.thats not romantic, thats sucidal ahaha. headlines the next day.charred bodies embracing each other found. hahahahah.kissing / hugging and the next thing you know, you are doing the same thing in heaven duh, use your brains la. ok?oh yeah, one more tip hahaha. unplanned fun is the best fun hahaha.take this for example, lets plan to play in the rain. when it really happens, you'll be like ok so what do we do?if you didn't plan it on the other hand, there'll be alot more to laugh about.and its gonna be fun. dun plan fun, it wont be that fun if you do that ahhaha.ok, what the hell. hope none of the young ones read this haha.hmmmm, shall just entertain myself with this post, get all over it haha.let me think back into the past. all he relationships and stuff i seen people do ahaaha.ok here's some. hahahha, damn jialat.we had a famous open couple in sec sch band la, i was sec 1 then.anyway it was the old band room and there was a stairs on both end of the building where the band room was. what happened was, a senior told me to search for my clarinet i did, and i found her under her BF at the stair case they weren't doing that thing, just couple's fun. i was like oh, so how do i call her, reported back to the other senior.i found her but i cant call her, she is busy with her bf. hahahahah.they understand de, so its ok hahaha.hmmm, what others hahaha, ok here's another one.when i was like in kinder garden and lower place there, had a large opening. and it had quite a good coverage from people coming down the stairs, there was no opposite blocks yeah, couples loved making out there. so everytime i went to play,i would quietly climb over the parapet and see if there was a couple there.if there was. me and shawn would do something funny to them haha.imagine kissing halfway than like saliva drop on u hahah.just spit and hope it gets them, than we'll sprint back home haha.oh another one, happened today ahhaah.opposite my work place, between H2O and HMV.there's an exit of some sort, quite secluded, rarely used i was damn bored, looking at nothing from behind the counterwhen i saw this boy and girl in school uniform, slowly backing inwards to the exit.God knows what happened after that, cause the cleaner walked in, came out,waited a while and some management came hahahahaha.damn funny three only la, cnat remember more, not now at least.oh was at work today, and yeah it was super this lady came, was searching for something to drink, very nice lady.and she asked me what do i know how to make i just named what i knew. she settled for a flat white.made it, sent it to her, said it was too strong so i added some hot water to it.than i returned to behind the counter. got really i just started chatting with her from where i was hahah.than she was like, you make good coffee. fact is, the taste come fromthe oil from the roasted beans, i just get everything together HAHAHA.anyway, chat and chat, quite nice la. and she came over to the counter before she left, and got my name.she was like, oh mitchell, nice name. alright, hopefully i'll be hereon waffle day to try the waffles. have a nice day. so i just smiled, sure no problem, you have a nice day too. bye.hahaaha, fun to chat with some customers actually, especially the older ones.and something funny happened today this 2 really old ladies, ah mas if i may. and they had a little kid with them.probabaly around 3 ? i am not too sure, quite i walked past them and one of them stopped me. then she say, bua kao tee.i was like huh? tea? than i looked at the drink. no mah this is coffee. i was thinking, what on earth is she saying? what not enough tea ?was like stuck on the same sentence for quite a while.than the other lady said, bu go tian. i was like oh hahaha.deng yi sia, wo na tang gay ni. than she went huh?so i got her the sugar in the end hahaha.than the second time i had to walk past them i was like, pls dont stop me.than it happened ahhaha, got stopped. i was panicking of them asked me in hokkien whether it had been paid.
i was like ermmm, hmmm ahhh, was stucked for quite a while la, actually very long hahahaha. than in the best chinese i could master.
deng yi xia, wo chiao wo de manager. than he came out.
and what the hell la, super thick hokkien la. than he came to me.
you dunno hokkien ah ? hahaha. i was like, cant understand, so fast so thick.
than he say ahha, must learn you know, go army life would be easier.hahahhaha damn funny la. they both speak hokkien. one of them knows a bit of chinese. i know chinese but a tiny bit of their hokkien.totally language barrier man hahahha. damn funny. he kept laughing when i told him what happened, damn silly.than there was this chinese lady who came to the new worker, Regu.he was about to enter the kitchen when she appoarched him. so the door was half openand i over heard the conversation. she was trying to ask him to heat up her baby's milk bottle.but both of them spoke poor english, another langauge barrier after a while, i was like, whats happening haha.turned, saw her face, thought to myself, aiya, china stupid can you get. approach an indian when you cant speak just spoke to her in chinese loh, heated the milk bottle and continued.some of them are really funny.oh we have some regular customers, most quite there is this girl that always comes with her friend,like 2 to 3 times a week.quite loud actually. and quite erm, like, a show off. so yeah, after placing their orders, they would seat at the cushion seats.usually table 14, and start bitching hahaha. although we are seperated by the glass.we could hear them clearly ahhaha, really very loud.then there was this indian fellow that came with his mother today.tried to play punk with me, sry la. best of all, danny taught me how to earn more money while taking orders ahhah. like push other options, add choco sauce or maybe chocolate chips to make it a chocolate i asked him if he wanted whip cream, than he went, " oh i think i would skip that. if its half price like on waffle day than i'll have it but its not and i dun wanna pay for it. not today, waffle day perhaps. " than i made a mistake, i told him the truth, sry sir but the whipe cream is free on both normal and waffle days.idiot " oh than i'll have the whip cream then, if its free. "me : would you like to have any sauce? we have choco sauce and cara sauce .idiot " oh what sauce do you have? what would u recommend? if its good than maybe i'll have it cause i blah blah blah blah blah blah "i was like ren, must ren must ren. finally completed the order.went over to the waffle machine where grace was.and i went " wtf, that guy damn guai lan let his waffle burn la, see how he speak."grace was like ahhaha, ok i understand haha. ya heard him. irritating.gave him 1 small blob of whip cream in the middle of 2 scoops of ice cream.with quite a brown waffle.the best part of it all. was when i was collecting the money from him.usually this kinda attitude, we get it from the rich people.the tai tais and the young rich girls usually. so i though he was rich la.usually indians are super rich or super yeah, he took out his wallet, one super old dirty rugged looking wallet.i was like ok. the dish costed 7 plus. he was digging and digging for money.dug like dunno how long than he got out 3 one dollar coins.i was like, ok, so you ain't that rich after all son of a gun. really cant stand it, wasn't surprise that some of the cones grace was making during that time, became extra brown too.really a nuisiance his kind of character. got him his change and went : your change, sir.really, the first time i turned around and started jumping up and down.really felt like squashing his face into the ice cream la hahaha.oh yesh, the ice cream are all from america, the cakes and stuff, from the factory.other things like the ingredient for the waffle mix. also flown in from the US.but we make them in the kitchen.ok shall end here, pretty early ahahha, 3:31 am ahhaha.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:51