Monday, April 09, 2007
man, just woke up only, have not even washed up tsk tsk ..ok its gonna rain le, dark clouds gathering over my place, area ..hmmm, had a weird dream, that a hotel in singapore had 2 or 3 explosions ..yeah, was watching the news when i heard about it, in my dreams of cause ..and i was chatting with a friend, some how i chatted my way to the hotel ..than there was like trails of blood and debris all over ..some officers were carrying bodies away from the area, and others were planning to go back in and stuff ..interestingly, in the dream i wasn't the least disgusted ..just some weird dream anyway ..was chatting with a friend about her ..was like make the move loh, if you dunch try anything, how would you know ..well, the point that he doesn't understand, is that its too risky ..if it turns out fine its ok but there is a 99.99% chance that it wont ..if it turns out fine, ok its a miracle loh ahhaha, than u can say Amen to that ahha ..if not you can say oopsy hahah ..yeah, too risky, everything is fine as it is, dunch wanna risk losing everything ..though no gamble no gain, but yeah, sometimes its better not to take the gamble ..shall just hide her some where in the back of my heart ..seriously speaking, i have not thought of getting myself attached againthough i would like to, cause its just scary to me ..dunch ask me about love cause i know nothing about it ..some of my friends like to ask me how i do it, i cant explain ..i think love is soooo complicating ..shouldn't it be something natural and not something that we plan for ?like to create this and that to get the girl and stuff, i dunch know anymore ..yet if thats the case, than there might be something called fate afterall ..and maybe the so called, one for you, but thats rubbish to me ..ok, gotta wash up le hahaha ..yeah its raining !! love the rain ..rain reminds me of that one time haha ..hugging and smooching under the rain haha ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 11:35