Sunday, May 13, 2007
some pictures hahah. its always the cookie craze hahahah.
got so bored one night, i just did this.
was at aunt's house today, this is their shi tzu, Leo.

C & C 3 Tiberium Wars.
just had my bath, like finally hahaha. was playing Tiberium Wars on martin's com.seriously the game is like copy a little from here and there,yet it still seems pretty original hahaha.enigmatic protess, here it has taken the form of the Scrin.the Scrin is totally gay, they have this late game unit thats super mighty can.imagine this, War of the Worlds, those tripod machines?yeah, this late game machine is exactly the same.has shield, the design is the same, uses a ray gun, blue rays.tentacle like arms and legs. one hit one kill, hahahahah. medium speed.the NOD ? almost the same as before, a little more powerful.stealth and their usual ambush attack stuff. good for that i mean.oh, and all their super weapons? chemical weapons yeah, as usual hahah.the GDI, its like the Terran from starcraft basically. pretty straight forward.hardy units, beginners can start from that. try to mess with them, you would be finished in less than a min. if the opposition is under the hands of good player that is.power pack fire power. totally hardcore, with their juggernauts and stuff.the juggernauts can now fire across the map as long as the sniper team gives them the location. where ever a sniper team is, the juggernauts can fire within the team's range of vision.and their orcas can now hover non stop at one location my opinion though, they are the weakest of the threeif you were to play with tactics and stuff. cause the other 2 races are just too gay too defend against hahaha.ok, think i would be going out tomorrow.something interesting is gonna happen soon. i dunno when,neither would i know how, or whether it would happen.i just have the hunch that it would happen. of cause i can make it happen.hhahaha, it usually turns out my way. i need to think though,why would i want it to be that way. as in, whats my real motive.its a very dangerous game to play, very risky for me hahaha.and there shouldn't be an ulterior motive, its yeah, must really consider, remember the change, remember the change mitchell !
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:26