Wednesday, May 09, 2007
some pictures marcus took of yogi and one of a white tiger at the zoo.forgot to post it last night, so here it is. didn't have is permission to post it though.hahaah, more pictures in the future, here they are anyway, enjoy.

things did happen as planned this morning. and to top it off,my mum had to be home, what the fuck. went down and she started nagging.the time she wasn't home, from fri to mon, was the best time for us all.seriously the house was very peaceful. the way i like it, quiet and peaceful.and we can joke around and stuff without her nagging we are noisy.pot calling the cattle, when i am earning enough, and i have enough savings,i am out of this house. and no way she's gonna step into where i stay.would be working till closing tonight, thank God.don't have to return home so early. hurts my ears, spoils my mood.saturdays are even better, when i am working till closing. i stop at 12, means i get a free cab ride home, comfort haha.and when i am home, the noise is asleep, means i can enjoy myself.cook something to eat, hang around for a while in peace, read the papers or something then head to my room.mmm, bad day, its only 1:24, i have no idea what should i do.i can either get some sleep now, a little tired. or i can head down to the CC to practice.if i were to head down to the CC, it would mean i would be carrying aheavier than normal load to work, and then back home after work.which isn't exactly a very good idea after work.gotta like stand all the way back in the train, still quite alot of people at that time.think i shall work on my schedule for next week.thinking of not working that much next week, wanna practice and do other maybe i'll just plan it out such that i cant work on tuesday after 4 again,thursday, saturday and sunday is a no no. that leaves me with monday, tuesday before 4, wednesday and friday.4 days, they would surely put me on like super long hours for mon, wed and fri.shortage of man power, something like 12:00 to Closing.for those 3 days, Closing would be 23:00hrs, means i can clock up to 11hrs.thats quite some money already, which is good.that would leave me with tuesday night to practice, and for thursday,to do my driving and practice. giving myself a day's break in between.sat and sunday, would surely be burning reeds, so monday would be a rest day. finally found one of my reeds i bought about 2 months was in my old bag which still looks very new hahah, never really used it has become my "music bag" hahah. got everything packed when i wanna head for practice or what, just needa take it and vrooommm, gone.saves time that way, plus i wont have to carry so many things.its all in one bag and it ain't that heavy haha, a little bulky thats all.gosh i just realised that i didn't take note of the time i took my medicine.lets just say i took it at 12:30 hahaha. doesn't really matter of the medicine makes me feel a little weak for some reasons.think i shall use a ring file, yup. shall get the pockets when i have the a file already anyway. needa rearrange the pieces.those for com and those for con. more organised that way.just short of something, cant remember what is it. if i had a task manager similiar to the one in coms, install in my brain,the CPU would be like 1% usuage only, for processing haha.shall do some shopping when my next pay comes.get cork boards, saw some that gave me the idea the other time.those square ones, they have different sizes.light weight and you dont have to drill the wall to hang it there.what else, erm, cant remember ahah, it was in my mind like a min or less ago.actually 5 sentences back hahahah. oh yesh, cork boards and pockets for the, i still haven't searched for someone whom i can get the neccessary items to clean the white boards. have someone in mind already though.note down everything that is on all the boards, maybe take a picture,save time and effort ahhaha. yup, than just clean the two boards.quite dirty looking, cant stand it actually. shall contact that person after this.and i want those partitions down, as in torn down haha, removed haha.dunch think it would be given the green light though.see the problem with humans is that, we are lazy by nature,and we tend to be pretty rigid with our thinking at when things are done or have been there when we came to it.and if things are fine, like it doesn't seem like a problem to them,they leave it alone and they do not try to improve on it. cause it's fine to them.neccessity is the mother of isn't neccessary, so why re-invent the wheel? everything is fine right.if the wheel could be re-invented to be even better, more efficient,than why not? why not invest the effort, the time, the trouble of getting it done?i believe in flexibility. our minds must be able to adapt, take to changes,take to new ideas. adaptation is the reason why we are still around after so manythousands of years, in the first place.we must be able to open ourselves instead of sticking by our thinking which, after the present would be the past which would be history which is, back dated.can you think of any successful company which hasn't changed itselfin some ways to survive in this new world?we need to change some areas, we cant keep sticking to it all the time.certain things such as the original intention or the purpose of itcould still be retain even after a change has been made.we just need to take the first step and be open to listen to why this changes in whatever situation have been thought of, why the idea was conceived.well, just cant understand the human mind, such a complex thing.its more vast than the universe, and i even wonder at times,if the universe has a border in the first place. is it an endless horizon?i found the way.
why didn't i think of it before.
its so silly of me that i didn't think of it.
that doesn't matter anymore.
what matters is that i
have found a way.
a kiss good bye.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 13:07