Sunday, June 03, 2007
this one is pretty strange. its like my mirror image.the way she treats me, totally like the way i treat my last one. which was the only one i was serious with, not to mention, falling head over heels for.its like, i am finding myself chatting with she who is like me.which is kinda nice actually, cause i seriously am pretty sweet with my gf,so yeah, she's pretty sweet with me. not all the time of cause, we use it just right.and now that i am taking a relationship easy, i find the opposite going mad.which was the opposite case last time, rarely was it the other way round last only once or twice but it kept shifting back. now i am like, okay haaha, but its a wonderful last one told me something her friend told her. in a relationship, there is no equal love between the two, one will always love the other more. i think its pretty true.yeah, anyway, this is one pretty interesting relationship.if, by my standards, the relationship continues like this, its gonna last quite a while. but i am taking things easy, so a step at a time.what does it mean, when one dreams of another that they it an indication of how much that person means to them ? therefore the dream of them maybe because they miss the person ?what is trust ? it seems to me that it works like faith.yet what exactly is it ? how does it really work ?how can we build trust ?ok, yesterday was pretty funny. ah wang saw me and her together. so she was like smiling all the way hahah. she initially thought i came for she was like, waiting for joey ah ? haha. then joey started signaling, nono and pointed at her haha.ah wang was like really !!?!? lol hahah. and today, Joan already knew about it haha, spreads pretty fast joan was like teasing her about it today. received the sms after band practice today, it was really really funny.and she's the 2nd one that has said that. pretty amazing.actually the 3rd. all things happen in threes. interesting.caught pirates today, didn't stay till after the credits though.anyway i was told that at the end, they showed that the boy who was hung at the start.was actually William Turner's son 10 years later. was wondering then, about the lord becker, how come he was still alive.well, shall find out from friends hhahaha.its a pretty long, not that good show ahhaha.hmmm, should i get rid of those stuff ? shelf them some where.actually, i have the intention of shelving the watch as well.use my spare watch for the time being. till i am out of army.get a new one after that and use the new one. thinking of shelving everything related.should i or should i not. i think, hmmm, i think, i think i shall fill my tummy before i decide.yup thats right, shall grab something first, give myself time to decide.need financial backing. oh a GUESS watch costs 350.can you believe it ? is that cheap for that brand ? no idea .was thinking it would cause like 1000 plus . was like ooo when i saw 3 digits on the price tag hahahah.ok, slack.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:31