Notes N Wheels

Friday, May 25, 2007

hmmm, seem to be heading in that direction.
which is causing my heart to jump for joy. cant help it seriously.
found myself wanting her, yet i seriously cant understand nor explain it.
i have already began learning something from this lesson.
you could say its from her, cause she's doing it the way she feels comfortable with.
patience. yeah, taking it slow and easy. its very hard for me to do that.
its like chaining the devil by its ankles and wrists to a pillar.
keep having to fight down the speed demon in me, tiring battle.
its a real restless one, with child like energy, it doesn't die or rather, hasn't yet.
anyway yeah, its a good lesson for me, since i am always rushing in everything.
always feeling the need to rush things. push things as fast as possible.
especially in area, relationship. i managed to push things to quite a pace.
and i kinda got used to it being at that pace.
so yeah, its good to slow down just that i need to be taught how to.
so here is the one who is teaching me, and she's quite a lovely teacher.

alright was out with heike today. met for lunch, did some window shopping.
eventually got so bored of window shopping, we just decided to chat.
so chatted all the way and eventually, well, home ahahah.
was at the AMK hub, waiting for 169.
got pretty bored, decided to check out the watches.
got pretty engrossed looking at some of the brands, ended up missing one 169.
so was like oh, ok, i missed it, that gives more time for watching viewing.
so yeah, headed to the next shop, saw a GUESS watch.
quite nice and surprisingly cheap, so was like, i gotta try that hahaha.
so tried it, didn't really like it in the end. looked weird ahha.
so saving for the Absinthe, shall wait till dad askes what i want,
than i shall tell him. for now, its just searching.
and waiting for that day to come. i may have already bought it by then though.

thinking of getting another, mark of the devil, hahah.
just dunno what, when and on where. totally no idea at all.
have 3 possible places in mind though. shall consider them.
meanwhile i need something to fill up the what.
cause without that, where cant be decided, so yeah, see first.

cant wait for them to head overseas.
they are heading to Japan if i am not wrong, sometime in june.
hope they are not going there when i am in aussie though.
that would be a real bummer. cause if they are leaving while i am in SG,
someone's coming home hahah. maybe not only that one, maybe 2 more.
only one's gonna have the over night option though haha.
and i would be able to stay out late as well.
catch a late movie or something before heading home.
gonna set aside 100 to 200 for when they are not around.
everything, lunch transport entertainment haha, all counted in.
wouldn't be spending much anyway, so thats quite alot of money already.
would open the absinthe then as well, most likely thats the date.

had quite a surprised today ahha. never met parents for a long time.
was like oh how to react? program lost le. its been a long time since it was last used.
so yeah, was like, hi uncle hi aunty.
it was so soft though that i doubt they could even hear me.
was like, stuck there, try to think of something,
then was like, ok bye bye hahaha. quickly, escaped. hahaha.
and i went the wrong direction as well ahhaha.
went off in nearly the opposite direction. had to search for the main road in the end.
ah well, enjoyed myself, her pressence, i just like it.
her face still etched in my mind. man, this is bad.
yet i think i am gonna be smiling to myself, lost in my thoughts for quite a few days.

saw a pair of demin jacket at paragon. cant remember the shop's name.
anyway, its really really very nice, even better than Levis.
the material is pretty good as well, it of cause, comes with quite a price as well.
thats the other item on my list. deciding what to get.
i can only select one when dad askes me the question.
so yeah, gotta select properly. it would though, come in more handy than a watch.
and a watch ain't that nesseccary as compared to the jacket since i have one already.
right now i have only one sweater. it doesn't have any buttons or zip though,
so its like pretty troublesome to get it off, the inner layer of shirt just comes out too.
a jacket though, has a zip, easy to take on or off, pretty convenient.

plus that one shirt, budget for shopping would be quite wow hhaaha.
all tops and tops only. may have to put off the absinthe actually.
anyway, alcohol isn't good, especially such a strong kind.
clothing first. all the neccessary stuff must of cause come first.
wants can come later. shall see how do things go.
cause i might get it even before dad askes, so yeah,
dont have to depend on them on that way.
in life, its always better to be owed than to owe, even if its family.

hmmm, must start planning already. observe first.
observe, learn, apply. cant let any mistakes happen, as far as possible.
its too precious. those eyes, that look, the thoughts behind them.
i cant help but melt when i see that. its an adorable look, pretty captivating.
i guess its unanswered questions that are running through the mind.
cant help but look away from that gaze though, not all the time can i stand it.
its not a bad thing thats why i cant look for long into that gaze.
i dun wanna be read like how i read the person.

work next week would be madness already.
2 days of 12 hours, and if i am not wrong, the other days i forgot how many hours.
anyway from monday to thursday, i would have clocked 42 hours already.
there's a 12 hour day for the public holiday for me though ahaha.
i think thats on thursday. wanted to get the extra per hour cash.
so told kat she could give me the whole day since we are short of staff that day.
of cause i told her i wanted the extra cash.
its too little money for me though. i need a higher paying job.
maybe like what she said, a desk job would be better, but where ?
or maybe a job that pays 8 an hour? i wouldn't mind 7.
i would still throw in just as many hours. i just wanna earn more.
kinda eating up the hours that the other workers cant cover as it is ahaha.
actually would tire myself out next week,
so i shall have breakfast everyday before leaving house.
need the extra energy. plus a single shot of expresso every morning at work.
needa keep myself alert and awake haha,
maybe some brandy to go along haha, kidding.
wouldn't be blogging i guess.
since i need the sleep as well. heavy work schedule next week.
waffle day, public holiday, quite murderous hahaha.
i am mitchell li though, i can pull off that stun. never say die.
ok no other thoughts, so i shall end here.

i am such a sucker for love.
cant stop loving it.
explain it to me.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:36


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