Monday, July 16, 2007
okie so i have very much decided after consulting four people. my two managers, the girl friend and dad. dad ain't got a job for me at any of his business for now. girl friend and i share the same thoughts, which was why i wanted to do this.yeah, i think i might be going full time. well, longer hours, roughly better pay.its gonna be hell alot more tiring but i can hack that. just want the green.think i shall start after the concert is over. that way sat and sundays i would be free.full time till i enter army, meaning i would most likely stop band till i am in army.1 free day for every week, hmm, thats for the girl friend haha.gonna stick close to the 00:00 curfew meaning i wont stay out late with her haha.its not really paying much but its good enough for now. more than what my current monthly expenditure is giving me spare cash to save.hmmmm. minimum 6 days, 48 hrs a week. works out to be 192 hrs a month.its never good enough pay but hell i just want the cash even if i have to sweat ain't easy to earn cash ahahha. but it smells good when you have it in your hands.smells even better when you know you earn it because you worked for it.brings me a step closer to my Porsche, recently though,it became somewhat more expensive. a lamborghini, :Xhell, when i have that much money for a lambor, i could get 3 or 4 thats a good thing. save up then decide what to do with it.hmmm, started training quite a while back already. readying myself for the army. at least i won't die in there. small but that doesn't mean i cant do what the bigger boys can. kenchi kenchi chilli padi hahahah. but i would die slightly under 800m though ahah.very very bad at running long distances. what a shame.i come from a family of X-country atheletes, so yeah, shame grand uncle, favourite aunt, marcus and martin are all runners.alot more that i don't know of according to aunt. all gold medalist. well, gotta leave that to the military cause i dunch know how to train that one.hahaha, too lazy bleah. great news for me. quite a relief to hear it actually. she saw two phones that fell within her acceptable standards haha. as in the design i guess. and at least she is thinking on which to get haha.means the cranky phone would go. meaning she is better equiped should they appear again. funny bastards. better not try anything funny when i am around. i'll take as many of them down as possible, with me haha.think i need to eat more hahah. cause i cant seem to add any mass haha.well, like duh, i sometimes only eat one meal ahhaha.hope we head to places like buckaroo or jacks place every now and then.that would help me add quite alot of weight ahah. steak every time hahah. sirloin? tenderloin? t-bone? all the 300 grams of medium done in my tummy ahha.just made another move, actually did that before. get dad to buy back one or two packs of chicken fried rice every time we have dinner.well its for work the next day. that way, if i remember to bring it to work,i wouldn't skip a meal or two. and if i am really hungry, i have something to eat.don't have to like buy it from some hawker center or something.say one meal is 3 bucks. if i save 4 meals, i could top up my ez-link card once.well, in short i would just last longer haha. helps cut my expenditure down to, on transport, it means i would have to follow them for dinner, usually. helps aid diplomatic ties. how many birds have i killed with this one stone? ok, i don't think dad's gonna start the pub or cafe anytime soon already.what a disappointment. he did something else instead. and planning to do another something else as well. sigh. well if you could do two things instead of one with the same amount, why not?its safer as well. in case one fails, you still have the other.rather than the whole ship just going down. plus our market's kinda small here.think i'll take the freight forwarding company. martin's got the fish one, marcus, i have no idea. guess its the car one.for me, i like big bucks in one short rather than small amounts over a long that one lets me interact with lotsa people. so yeah. after army i guess. hmmm, i really do not like going to the zoo, as far as i can remember.cause the moment you enter. you smell shit already when i was there for the P5 heritage tour. my class went pass the lions den.guess what? the females and males were lying there. suddenly one mail got up, went over one female, their butts were facing us.and he starting humping her. they have Blue Flims there and the ratings? PGonly warnings? do not feed the animals.innocent as we were, we found that funny and started laughing. the teachers though, laughed for a different reason hahaha.anyway yeah, decided to bring her there. she likes going there and the last time she asked if we could go there i was like, dun want la, horrible smelly place.thought about it earlier on while shitting and i was like. hell, just go la, make her happy. i wont have the time when i am in army anyway. so yeah, just decided to go there with her after i get my pay. spend some time together. it feels great to see her happy. ok, waiting for my stupid hands to relax. pull a few more times. then i shall wait a while more, get a drink or something.head to the showers, get a good rest, and waffle day tomorrow !! haha busy busy.its great to work out with some music. just use the music as a distraction. that way, for me, i wont realise how tired i am, and i can last slightly longer.its all in the mind. nothing is impossible for the mind.smash the command center and the entire army goes into disarray.heidi :
you are one lucky boy you know.
better appreciate her.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:48