Saturday, July 14, 2007
work today was boring. no customers no nothing. means no work to do.can you imagine, long hours at a shop that has close to no business. save the lunch crowd that's from 12:00 to 14:00 was worst, saturday at tanjong pagar. mad la.sales was SGD41.44. can you imagine that. and we were open for so long. was literally rotting there. let me see, 1 chocolate milkshake, 1 l0ong black, 1 large waffle, about 8 cups of ice cream. seriously dead bored.searched for other jobs the other day. and today, and idea came to me.why dont i just ask dad for a job. i think it would be alot better.ok, the pay might be lower, but hell, at least i am working in a family least i would be learning something about the business. and most important, at least there are things for me to occupy myself with.hahah learnt something just the other day, from her.ok, so her dad works for this BSA company, in the shipping line.and he is one of those operations guy in the company. so, her mum was going through her dad's stuff, cleaning up for him when she saw something, a note pad.its header " EVM Logistics "... its contents, a few sentences by this guy called Edward her mum was like, Heike Heike !! look what i found. she and her sister was like what did you find, sian sian. then she saw it and she was, oooooo, now thats interesting. she asked her dad and her dad had no recollection. pretty long ago, i brought it up to dad on friday. was at his company. so it went like this.hey dad ah, do you know this guy called **** *** *** from some shipping company called BSA ? my dad was like, who ? i repeated. and he was like ORH !!! Ah **** ah. yaya, he is their operations people ( something like that ).why? you know him ah? oh nothing la, just asking, ya i know him. how? oh he is Heike's dad. ( that uh oh expression on dad's face ) -- than he know's you are my son ?nah i dont think so, he doesn't remember you, dont worry. what the hell la......been thinking about quite a few things. actually quite alot of things, but only thinking hard for a few of these things. yup.wonder when will i be enlisting. hope the timing's just right. not too soon, not too late. and there's alot of other things.she woke me up, made me really realise two things, slapped me hard. and suddenly, i find myself, searching, wanting to study some stuff that might aid me in achieving that goal.i am gonna show it to them. anyway, if melvyn and marcus can enter UNI. i don't see why cant i, given that i seemingly have more brains than the two of them.not more than martin though. melvyn, marcus, me plus vanessa added together, we are still no match for martin's brain. and then, there's the other thing. that i wanna have for future as well. its business. yeah. thought of it since 15 / 16. yet its only now, that i really start to twitch my brain. thinking of ideas and stuff.the one big problem hahaha $$$well, laws are there to be broken, money earn to be spent, and problems there to be solved.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:54