Thursday, March 15, 2007
okie, today would be another entry of pictures hahah ..found this on msn, cool eh ahahah ..anyway the main part of this entry would be cars ..quite a few pictures of concept cars actully if its cars, than why this first? well, ahhaa ..useful knowledge i guess, general knowledge? dunch know hahah, no reason ..
GENEVA - A type of leopard found on the Southeast Asian island of Borneo and believed to be related to its mainland cousin is in fact a completely new cat species, WWF said Thursday. The clouded leopard is Borneo's largest predator, has the longest canine teeth relative to its size of any cat, and can grow as large as a small panther.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Audi Concept car, year 2035
BMW 1 series
BMW M3 concept car

Honda's concept car

jaguar C-XF Concept
Maserati GT

2008 Mercedes Benz C-class2

Mercedes Benz C-class DTM Racecar
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:56