Notes N Wheels

Saturday, May 19, 2007

alright, reading certainly helps to kill time while travelling home.
however, a big big however, its pretty uncomfortable reading in the bus.
yeah, cant find a nice position to read in. plus the chattering from other passengers.
not to mention the bus drivers. the F1 route hasn't been opened yet,
yeah, so you guys can take it easy on the speed you know.
its not as if your BUSES come with modified suspensions or something.
its a pretty bumpy ride. so reading can be quite tough.
its like dad's car suspensions on sports mode.
gave up trying to read after 3 or so mins. so unbearable.
my eye balls would have to be wired to some laser tracker device or something
so that i wouldn't lose track of the words when ever the ride gets bumpy.
not to mention the use of the best lubricant one can get in the global market.
since my eyes balls would be rolling in their sockets all the time.
yeah, i guess the friction causing movements haha, would just dry up my eye balls.

i just realised it, i mean while i was looking back on today.
yeah, did a brief run through of what happened today, the whole day.
what i did, what i encountered, how i handled what i encountered and stuffs.
in short, self reflection and the like.
hmmm, how do i put it. guess i think i am slightly affected by the lost of that thing,
the events that happened because of it and that other one thing
which is always there to affect me.
lets just say, there are things in life that, though we cant see their effects instantly,
we can feel it, and the feeling goes on even after the event has ended.

hmmm, that lost has been bugging me since last night.
so much so it was the last thing that was on my mind before i fell asleep.
still on my mind when i woke up, as well as when i was working.
there are pros and cons to that happening. lets start with the pros.
i never really liked to look at things the negative way if i am conscious
of my thoughts. meaning if i am able to think before carrying out.
the pros are, i suddenly feel like i am like a bird, free from everything.
though i am not physically cut off from the world,
yet neither am i physically bugged by the world.
no calls, no messages, no reminders, no nothing hahah. i feel so, carefree.
you can look at it in a similiar way as when a teacher reprimands her student,
" you are physically present, yet mentally adsent " from lessons in that sense.
whats the other good thing that has come out it?
well, i cant contact anyone hahah, neither the boys nor the girl.
what does that mean? it means mitchell cant go drinking or partying.
and it also means, mitchell cant go flirting hahaha. regular interaction is essential.
yeah, cause drinking sessions are kinda last min things.
like we organise them in the afternoon to meet that evening or something.
and flirting is well, i don't have to teach anyone that.
the cons the cons the cons baby.
ironically, its linked to the pros ahahah.
yeah, i am majorly cut off from the rest of the world.
after editing my contact list, it was down to 160, before that it was more than 200.
and i deleted some of whom i still keep in contact with :x
anyway, yeah, being cut off from the rest of the world,
means i cant flirt, which means, mitchell ain't feeling like mitchell.
well, its so much a part of me that i sometimes do not realise i am doing so
till maybe say 20 mins into the conversation when i am feeling the excitement?
its challenging with some girls, at times.
though women, always have the upper hand against guys.
one reason being, guys are total idiots at reading the signals women give off.
thats why you have guys saying, i don't understand her.
and thats why, you have guys falling head over heels from the ladies,
though the signals they give off are quite general.
thats one con anyway, by the way hahaha.
i cant flirt, or nicely phrased, keep regular, intense conversations with the ladies.
the second con. my ability to organise last min meet ups with friends,
have severly been affected. if that ability had a life, the blow could be termed, fatal.
which also means one thing. the child in me is getting bored and restless.
and to think thats only a day ago, slightly more.
i cant meet up with friends to catch the bus home for example.
or for lunch during break.
oh well, hahah, thats life.

the other matter that pretty much started bugging me recently,
was about this two people at work.
and now a third new person sticks to me like, unkindly phrased, a leech.
i do not enjoy the attention neither do i detest it. its a neutral stand i take.
the other two are well, i have mentioned the reason earlier on.
thats why, i am troubled by it. its a self created mental trouble.

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.
~~~Horace Walpole~~~
work for the others today, those that had to interact with me,
must have been a little bad. i truely am sorry. tried my best to keep it cheery.
though i guess i failed at times.and the new comer.
i could have blown quite a few times at her today.
luckily for everyone i was able to keep my composure.
i guess if i lost it, she would have cried and maybe even quit the job.
emotional hijacks as the author terms it, quite an interesting topic.
this entry might sound like i am the kinda negative person i just realised haha.
and i guess the " haha " in the previous sentence was like maybe
the second, third or maybe only " haha " in this entry up till here haha.
ok, thats another one to add to the counter, right. ahhahaha.
today was a good day, for practicing my other dishes i mean.
placed myself with lini's permission of cause, in the gourmet section.
learned a few new dishes.
caesar salad, honey baked ham sandwich, club sandwich.
yup these are the three i can remember. there were only orders for these 3 plus i think a fourth other dish. since i have no recollection of it, the SOP for it and stuff.
i cant say i have learnt a new dish, which is it, right?
had Elvin test me on my memory of the Caesar salad SOP, he gave me an "A"
club sandwich, i can only vaguely remember. same for the other sandwich.
memorised a few other drinks as well, mainly coffee.
been experimenting with the coffee since 2 days ago.
brewing new coffee related drinks and stuff like that. adding some flavors.
like irish cream with a different type of coffee haha, or mixing something with coffee.
lotsa weird stuff, lotsa re-inventing the drinks haha.
some might call it re-inventing the wheel cause some of the drinks are already like,
wow it cant get any better and there isn't a good reason for making it any better.
or trying to make better what is already at its best.
something really really turned me off today. two things in fact.
and it happened to the same person. it was the black arse regu.
well, he took the waffle station today. so being at the waffle station,
means you do everything waffle N ice cream as well.
yet he ended up getting Elvin to do the ice cream for him.
that was fine, not fine though, if one doesn't know how to ask politely.
thats still tolerable. its fine not knowing how to whip up certain dishes.
it not fine though, if you whip up one of pretty low if not no standard,
and than say : " aiya no problem one la, can serve one la "
i cant stand it, totally, especially when its an ice cream creation dish.
words cant describe my obsession with trying to make it
look as similar as possible to those in the menu books. those pictures of the dishes.
and it got even worst when he prepared thickly sliced bananas for the CBS.
and said : " you know how to do caramel banana sundae right? nah you do. "
hey Mr, ask politely, and at least take some pride in your work man.
even if you cant whip up the dish, make the effort to properly cut the banana.
so so pissed off. i actually told him off hahah at the gourmet section.
oh yesh, the third offence. thou shall not, SHALL NOT,
put your nose into my section if you cant handle yours.
dont tell me off about my section, if you cant handle yours well enough.
orders do get mixed up at times. and we trouble shoot when we realise it.
it ain't as though we knew about it and couldn't be bother to take care of it.
after all that happened at work today, did manage a few nice words though.
though she was pretty slow at work, the first timer,
just threw out a few words like,
"hey good effort, today's a busy day so ya, wrong day to start work on hahaa.
anyway, good try. take your time to learn and it would be fine"
words have a somewhat strong effect on people for some reasons.
especially when someone has had it unexpectedly rough,
yeah, its quite soothing to hear words of encouragement.
the others? including the black arse?
" take care guys, buaiiiiii, see your see, bye bye "
to elvin?
" take care bro, hahaha, garlic bread for you the next time round,
and its 5 aloe vera pieces hor hahaha. take care see ya soon man "
yeah, we had fun arguements over the SOP for a two drinks haha.
one was about whether the garnishing for the Frappe Chocolate Oreo
had chocolate sauce or crushed oreo bits on top of the whip cream.
he won that, its crushed oreo bits.
the other was whether the fizz drinks had aloe vera bits in them.
i won that hahah, there are precisely 5 to be in each glass.
hmmm, the problem that i told regu off.
was over a customer's spagetti, think i spelled that wrongly.
anyway, she came to the counter and complained about it.
so happened i was doing the drinks since the gourmet had no orders, helped elvin.
we help each other actually, when we can. so i went over to the counter.
lini double checked with me and i with elvin, he helped deliver.
apparently we didn't deliver to the customer her pasta, an error on my side.
failure to counter check. so i told lini, yeah we didn't send it out.
that dish i thought we sent out, was for a different table.
and i apologised to her and the customer for the mistake.
so the customer was going on about how long more would it take and stuff.
seeing that lini was pretty much stressed out, the team was wrongly assembled.
as in wrong person for the day and wrong stations.
i managed to politely guranttee the customer that the dish would
be on her table within 3 mins. lini spun around and gave me that, are you sure look.
kinda shocked at the same time. the customer was like, oh okie.
well, i would surely have done it under 3 mins hahah.
2 mins to heat up the sauce. during that time, i can do the pasta haha.
just unpack it, soak it in hot water to heat it up.
siff it than place it on a plate. and when the sauce is done,
empty it onto the the pasta hahaha. garnish with dry parselly.
yeah i won i won, won a gamble i made with myself.
~~~FF8 battle victory music plays in the back ground~~~
alright, its pretty late, installing Diablo 2 LOD.
and i have yet to to wash up hahaha. shall do so now.
take care readers.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:34


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