Notes N Wheels

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

damn, something horrible happened today, dropped my hp. left a few marks.
was on my way home. super sleepy and blur. phone rang, reached for it.
it came out of my pocket, but it wasn't in my hand.
was like woah woah woah. flip flip than it hit the ground, heart ache.
lucky its ok, nothing wrong save the scratch on the casing. gotta get the cover man.
shall replace the casing when i have the time, and money.

work today was ok not too bad. found out what is the amount of my next pay already.
great, still to little and thats like 74 hrs of work. averaging like 18 hrs a week.
which means 2hrs a day. ouch that's so little. thanks to that one week.
if not it would easily have been 100 to 150 dollars more.
ok, went over to MPH after work. bought a book to kill some time.
like on the bus or train or something, or waiting for dinner.
made my way to suntec gelare after that. wanted to see heike and joey.
my suntec outlet pals hahah. so yeah, found the in the kitchen.
chatted a while than went off. bought the memory card.
checked out some cams long the way, pretty ex, like 600 to get a good enough one.

now realised why heike looks so familiar to me.
she's a cross of two of my exs hahah, her face i mean. and her tan.
so yeah, thats explains it, te familiar looking face haahhah.

pretty tired. didn't get a good rest these few days. didnt make it to the CC just now.
fell asleep in the bus. found a direct bus, its a one hour trip.
and its quite a long wait for that bus.
main thing is, it can get me from my place to raffles city. so thats great.
so yeah, the book is for that purpose plus it gives me some knowledge.
well, its a book on psychology. yup.
thinking of getting dan brown's, i think Angels & Demons.
it ain't literally about Angels & Demons.
has something to do with some terrorist plot and the Vatican.

saw one of her favorite books, Emperor.
its a super thick book. opened the book and i saw, Part One.
found out later that there were 4 parts in total. i was like wow ok.
she loves romance stories and fictorial history, where facts are mixed with fiction.
like Gladiator, its part true yet false at the same time.
romance stories, thats so like her haha, most girls like romance stories anyway.
i mean, as compared to the number of guys that actually like them.
can just imagine the number of books she has at home, and have read.
think that qould explain her strong command of english as well. all that reading.
she was very upset when one of the ex-managers corrected the
way she phrased her sentence. was speaking to a customer.
the ex-manager actually came up with a totally different phrasing,
that not only sound rude, but authoritative as well.
it sounded like she was commanding the customer to seat and decide
on their dish before making their order and payment at the counter.
there's a very big different between "would" and "could"
just as between "may" and "can" . to me, "would" and "may" gives room for choices.
you sort of give the person the flexibility to choose totally.
while the other two words on the other hand, sort of brings your message
to the person that he or she doesn't really have a choice because
you wanna have it done that way, your way.
they may still have the choice but it would sound that they are
obliged to do it your way instead of enjoying total choice control.
ok i may be totally wrong about it though, so yeah.

made kat laugh till she had to stop what she was doing, at work today.
the delivery man came, as usual, bela ordered hell alot of stuff.
this round, there was alot of pasta sauce and pasta types.
the delivery man didn't know what they pasta types were called,
so he just went, " mee kia one packet, mee pok one packet, bow tie one packet. "
we taught him in the end. hahah
ok anyway, kat was like going in chinese, " she wanna kill people with pasta is it?"
seriously there was alot hahaha. " inventory check, she hallejuha liao la "
i thought for a while, than i replied in dialect, mixed a few dialects haha.
"kat ah, she's a God's person, dun need to hallejuha. cause God already say, before you call me have answer. no use one, she cant die one.
and he die die sure help her one, cause he said, wa si lim lao bei"
she was there laughing and laughing in the kitchen.
the stupid bela of cause dunno anthing la.

and i am eating up the food like no one's business there hahah.
hungry just whack, thirsty just drink. was super tired on waffle day.
what did i do? ordered a double shot expresso. that drink does wonders.
became super energetic after that. a whole new world hahaha.
kk, shall stop her, growing fatter ahhaha.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:40


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