Sunday, May 20, 2007
hmmm, just gamed over hahah, died once like, whack whack whack, shout shout shout, than arghhhh. last shout hahahaha.never saw it coming hahaha.ok, back to blog,part 2.alright about today. hmmmm. let me see. let me recall hahah. the game used up some processing space, now colling down. chatting with Bro 4 about C & C. C & C 3 just released and they are working on the next one already, thats pretty fast.ok so today. woke up late. like 12:10 hahaha, missed meeting. quickly washed up, had some lunch and out i went.missed 169, couldn't cross the road due to the traffic.luckily the next one came like 3 mins later? always the case.and the second one would always be the extra long this morning was a pretty rush rush one hahaha.xing hong boarded the bus around khatib chatted all the way. reached the room, realised i forgotten some scores.checked with sam and the other fellow wasn't coming and he had the trouble shoot. hmmmm. lets just say i find it weird but is work, fun time, fun time. so no means no. thats like universal in my life, guess its dad. anyway, made my way home, reached the bus stop and just nice.169 came like a min after i sat on the bench. that was pretty lucky.received a call, didn't have the number on my hp so i was like," who is this? the number looks pretty familiar, like my bro's "picked it up, yeah guessed it right. its the opposite of bro 2's number. perspired like mad. felt yucky. took a bath. got my stuff. out i went again. perspired again, though not so much. dark clouds sort of blocked the sun rays and stuff, wasn't that hot already.missed the bus again, wait around 5 to 10 mins and the extra long bus came.this time, jia rong boarded the bus. was thinking to myself.why percussion all the way ? its that all there is to offer ? came off the bus at the cc bus stop and guess who we saw ? the oboe girl ahhaha, she boarded after us, sat at the front, so we didn't realised that she was on the same bus.attended practice, felt weird for some reasons, felt erm, bland. like emotionless, empty, felt like i was rotting. ok, serious air problem. could even last 2 bars of non potho reposare.and the pain, irritating. ok, band over, sorted out the scores. compilation done, finally.handing over soon. let me see, oh yesh, packed up and stuff.feels so free and wrong. the locking up was done by xing hong. it became some what like a routine, though i don't always do it without yeah, it felt sort of wrong that i wasn't locking up the place ahhah.yet at the same time, i felt free. that was the first feeling that struck me.i feel free like a bird, do what i want at my own pace. the other feeling struck me after realising i felt free.was like, why do i feel so free, like there's nothing to do. oh yeah, why do i have nothing to do, i think i have forgotten something, yesh i must have forgotten something. than i saw xing hong and than i realised.oh yesh, i placed him in charge of everything else already hahahaha.actually i do not know why i took my "music bag" home today.since i don't practice at home unless the house is empty,and since i wouldn't have the time to practice at home due to i am left with wed to practice. and the on;y place that i would do so, would be the CC band room itself. so yeah, i was like, mistake mistake, use pondering over such stuff. pretty minor they say, brooding fans the flames of does, such other thoughts. it makes you feel depress, and its hard to escape that state once you are too in it. i guess it has an acumulative effect, if you keep thinking about depressing matters.ok, that aside. dinner was well, ok, funny hahah. with thomas re-enacting the rise and fall of his infamous caning was pretty hilarious. and that was around the time that i snapped out of my "stoning" session. laughter is contagious. when those around you do so, you cant help but pay attention to whatever they are laughing about.and after a while, it rubs off onto you.having black coffee, a rare moment for my friends. a rare order that i usually make.this is like the second time i ordered black deep into my memory as it can take me, i think that's the 2nd order.why black coffee. maybe because i was feeling out of sorts? didn't really feel like myself, so black coffee tasting not all that nice,a little bitter, jerks me out of those thoughts and keeps me wide awake.heightens my senses, and hopefully, that causes me to pay more attention to whatever thats happening around me.which would take my mind off things. it works for me. not sure about you.hmmm, am i sadistic? i think yes to some extend. cause my thoughts are sometimes quite sadistic though i dont carry them out.if its anger driven its one thing, some times its just a random sadistic, if i see some punk staring at me, first thing that would happen when i see mind would create a negative impression of him already. the next thing? touch me and i'll break your arms, better still, i'll break your legs and whatever else i can do.maybe you fingers first, than your wrist bones, than snap your elbows, twist your arm and dislocate it at the shoulders. thats what i usually think off.i have described it exactly as how i think of it. systematically, from fingers to shoulder. though in the real event if i do manage to get to breaking his bones. it would be in this order. snap the elbow, twist the arm to his back,grab hold of the fingers, snap them at the knuckles. alternatively, if one wishes, when a punch is thrown. grab the arm in the same way, snap the elbow, than use your heel,snap the leg at the knee, and twist the arm and stuff.ok, side track a little. Bro 1 taught me some stuff, which he used to help a friend.and sadly, the victims were, blacks. results were,friend had a black eye hahaha, with multiple bruises. 5 black bandits, 3 can never use one of their arms properly, and 2, their legs.punch thrown, bend your arms "L" shape in front of your face.if its his right arm that threw the punch, than use your left arm and press it against the elbow, your right arm against his wrist. so to break it, your left arm stays still,and your right arm pulls towards you. listen for a snap to confirm the weapon has been disengaged.if a kick is used instead, use your heel, aim for the knee,press down, use his heel against the floor to break his own leg. for blacks, once out of action, you should hear them screaming "mama"as was the case. they have the least tolerance for pain.ok back to the main topic. so yesh, i can have quite sadistic thoughts at times.if i am spider man. i would have paralysed lotsa people by now hahaha.ok, i feel like a parasite that feeds on the agony of others. what a thought. that only shows the knowledge you have of me. its just a game of chess to me should you decide to have it on. the moves, i have already planned out based on my knowledge of you. i am beginning to ponder more about that sentence. something that contain the meaning, even if you have a high IQ but is unable to handle emotional matters well,than your high IQ would as good as none.ponder what. what there that's interesting right. emotions can rack havoc in a person. its worst than physical damage.especially when used against those who already have difficulty inhandling emotional matters well, its has an even more devastating effect. words once spoken, cannot be taken back. words once heard, lingers in the mind.words are like a poison to the mind. they eat away at the person bit by bit from within. the symptoms are not always obvious. and it sometimes takes a while to be spotted.which usually by then, given time, has already destroyed alot of things.from a japanese admiral, father of the japanese navy.i seek not to destroy the man before me, but to destroy his confidence.same logic, and words can do precisely just that.oh well, its just words to me, though its like a super weapon of mass destruction.chess is a game of the mind. this is just another version of chess.chess with words. it works the same way. think out every possibility steps ahead. find the flaw. kill the enemy.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:04