Monday, May 21, 2007
third entry for today, just had my bath.technically speaking, first entry of the day, monday.i shall tell my readers the story of a boy. a close friend of mine.lets just call him, subject. a brief history of subject's family. born into a poor family. family was previously well to do, became poor. aunt's side was pretty well to do when subject was born. all the aunts actually. mother was wicked. dad was a good dad. had a witty, cunning mind.hmmm, stayed with aunt's family with subject's brother and aunt's son, since birth.bro returned to his parents cause he wanted to. aunt loved subject like her own, some rumored it to be more than her own son.mum didn't want subject even before birth. delivery difficulty.mum made choice of herself over son.subject treated harshly, try imagining this, a baby has chicken pox.mum scrubs subject while bathing because subject came home from aunt's place.mum is unhappy and claims child is smelly, therefore the scrub with chicken pox.yesh, there are some scars of desperately needs to feed family. family hits rock bottom. 1991, gulf war, birth of another child. dad declared bankrupt. era of the loan sharks.subject becomes trump card. dad's hold over aunt for cash to feed family.aunt dun give, dad take subject home. something like that i think.cant remember. traumatic pass of subject shapes subject. of cause.subject some how is able to tell when what are other feeling. be it something bad or good, from the person's body language and tone etc.thats age let me think. erm, K2 i think. is that 6 ? major event happens. aunt and hubby marriage on the rocks. gambling runs in the blood of the family, brought down all the families in the tree.aunt's side was no exception. subject and cousin loved helping grandma with her planting for her, peeing into the pots, destroying some plants. experiments like burning the leaves.developed a knowledge of insectides and weed seemingly fine afternoon. date was 14th july. after returning from usual aunt sits at the empty space outside of the house drinking usually gathers there to chat with neighbours as it is windy.the kids play there. hop scotch and what have you. its like an activity zone.anyway, aunt is outside. subject, grandma, cousin,subject's brothers and the maid is in the house. subject searches for aunt.find her outside, notices weed poison smell. first thought that come to mind.someone has opened the bottle. second thought that came to mind.its not the time grandma tends to her plants. or day for that matter.subject chats with aunt. aunt expresses motherly love, sorrow, troubles, reasons for her actions though not saying what she done to subject.subject senses something amiss. something happened, temporary void in mind.subject notifies grandma that aunt has taken poison, mixed with milo.aunt rushed to hospital. more of such stuff. family places hope in subject and cousin to "bring" aunt back.aunt is changed forever, how, i do not know how to express.series of events happen. diary found. thoughts are expressed in detail. reasons and what have you. it was a page of a dying person's last few months to come, more of such attempts. tough time for subject's entire family. dad decides to take subject home after dunno when. dad has a quarrel with aunt. takes subject the carpark, aunt's crying can be heard from her home, the eleventh orders subject to enter car, eldest male cousin presentwith subject's entire immediate family. subject refuses, turns back on dad, walks back towards the lift snaps, hits subject, flings subject against the tree. toe nail on the little toe bleeds. subject cries, dad honda civic. family tends to wounds. no further recollection.subject was very playful, always monkeying around, trying out new things.extremely itchy finger and curious. hated studying as then, subject's family was staying with aunt's aught subject maths, with a cane. long division. subject's worst nightmare. could do everything that got multiples, plus, minus was an exception. just couldn't reverse it.subject loved art. did a lot of drawing. had pictures of dinosaurs on cards.mentally combined three dinosaurs, drew out one. quite a nice one.subject loved building blocks. live lego and stuff. didn't quite like following the instructions to build the lego.preferred to build it based on what subject saw, referred only when stuck.completed it, then modified. had a fascination, for everything. loved playing with fire.played with te ligher under grandma's bed.loved jumping from the double decker bed. loved giving the maid a hard chatting with people. very fluent in chinese. was one hell of a monkey. drank 2 bottles of hooch by subject's self at pri 2.could hold liquer well at that age.ahhh, so late le. over killed time. anyway its just a story. dunch take it too real hahaha. okok, i gtg. yeah meeting her on wednesday HAAHA.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:46