Tuesday, May 22, 2007
the previous 4 entries were some what depressing in nature. especially the 2nd last one i believe. now for something of a brighter nature.more fun and brightly colored. night out with heike was fun. chit chat about lotsa stuff.anything that came to mind hahah. met at the same place, esplanade library.she had a new look haha. two pony tails, those like double helix kinda pony tails.two of them on each side, left and right. made her look like a little girl. hahah, she doesn't like looking cute so when she asked how did she look.i was like, hmmm i dunch know how to explain but it suits you better. hahaha, took a very neutral stand hahah.well, she somehow looks adorable haha, plus her personality.she's the bubbly chatty kind hahah. just adds more points to being adorable.so yeah, its pretty easy to chat with her. everything just goes hahaha.let me see what did we do huh. met at the esplanade. went on to orchard, Zara near wheelock place.headed to wisma, than takashimaya. went window shopping. bought some stuff at Fox Fashion. each one item hahah. she couldn't resist it and so she bought something haha. it was damn funny. she was just accompanying me on a search for shirts.so we were at Fox and i was checking out a few shirts. wanted to seek her opinion but i couldn't find her. so searched and searched than was like, heard the fitting room doors unlocked,turned, and there she was hahaha. heike fell in love with a skirt and a shorts.so the shorts was a must buy haha. the skirt she was like,ahhhh, help me decide, its so nice its so cute ahhh, should i buy.tell me not to buy it. ahh, but i wanna buy it help help.so i was like hmmm, took the skirt, placed it back on the rack and was likelets pay for your shorts ahhaha. you dunt need the skirt right? since you said you have a few already.hahah, she was going oh man, quick, lets get out of here. whine whine whine. haha, it was seriously damn funny. anyway, got her opinion between two shirts. the one i bought in the end,would be pretty good for me. decided on it for a very important reason as well.ok, work was funny and at the end, irritating and tiring. thanks to the black arse again. anyway, because of the blac arse,i had to totally handle delivery and making of everything ice cream and waffle.so yeah, there was one part where there was an order for 3 small waffles,one waffle tower. downed the mixture for the small waffle ( 2 at a time ).made the waffle timer while the timer counted down. halfway through the tower, heard an order for a nuts about chocolate.so once the tower was done, sent it, came back did the nuts about chocolate, sent it, came back to the waffle area, processed the details of the small waffle order,and just nice, the waffles were ready. 2 ice cream creations under 4 mins. not bad already, broke my personal record. it gives a sense of satisfaction, to hear the wow from the customerswhen the dish you made is placed before them.kinda amazed myself that i managed to complete the 2 dishes so quickly.not boasting just was really amazed. through out the entire 4 mins, there was one thing on my mind. i was monitoring my breathing with the mask on, for the whole time.so i was just doing the rest of the stuff pretty much mindlessly, like a robot.hahaha, i was like, man this mask makes breathing difficult.oooo, i cant really breathe properly, its getting warm and moist ahahah.ok, soon soon, i can get this thing off soon, ahh, soon soon.ok, think i have gotten into Joan's good books. of cause it not just by myself. my managers must have said something as well.Joan tried to get them to get me to stay longer. stay longer than just up to mid july. shall see how. kat was asking me to like still continue with the job, come back to work when i can, help them out here and there.i gave a very honest reply, i'll try my best, see how do things work out on the other side first.though what would most likely happen would be this.once i have greener pastures, i wouldn't think of returning to the desert.well shall just see haha. ok, guess i am known for the ice cream creations now.simply because she said my ice cream creation has standard.stress stress. everytime she comes, my heart beat sky rockets.and everytime she tells me, relax relax dun so kan chiong.my reply would be hahah, oh ok. what i really wanna reply all the time would be," how can i relax when you are beside me when i am working? you are the one that wrote the SOP if you have not realised it " hahahahhaah.oh yesh. joan instructed me to stand with grace outside the store today.keep grace company, chat with her or something.if there's customers than we would come in and stuff. i was like oh ok.was veyr blur la, felt very wrong to stand outside and chit chat hahaha.especially when all the managers are there. so i reached grace,than she asked how come you come out? i was like joan say one. she asked us to chit chat. than grace was HUH ? i was like ya loh. than i looked at joan, she looked at me, than the whoel group of managers looked at me and grace. through hand signals i asked joan, chat about what? the whole group laughed. the two of us felt super uneasy hahaha.in the end i seeked permission from joan. and she allowed us back.my reason? felt very uneasy, awkward to stand around chit chat and do nothing.we are too used to standing behind the counter. with the counter, display cases and stuff as a barrier between us and the customer.after a while, without that barrier, we felt some what, exposed, therefore uneasy.ok, i guess i slipped into a mood whereby i was slightly depressed, last night.cause of the thoughts that came to mind, that inspired the blogging topics.and also because i felt like smoking and drinking a little.i was like, eh, why do i feel like that. ok, maybe blah blah blah.decided to game. distract myself. so i diablo-ed from like 4 to 7 hahaha.got stuck some where in act 5. cant find the way to the ancients haha.so yeah loh, ran here and there and every where in the map.after a while i was like, ah ya, sian, stopped playing haha.ok shall stop here, eyes are tired. body too. long day tomorrow. nights nights.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:36