Notes N Wheels

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

oh yes, something happened at work on monday, itchy finger thats why haha.
no it wasn't a bad thing that resulted haha.
just received a very interesting look from the customer.
ok, here goes what happened. this ang mo came in, ordered an ice cream in a cone.
ok, scooped the ice cream, placed it in the cone, got up,
was waiting to hand him the cone.
so as he was looking towards the floor, searching for the money in his wallet
when he started to whistle a tune, a few bars worth.
i was like, oh so familiar, oh that song. so he realised i waiting,
gave me the cash took his cone. it all happened pretty fast.
like a few seconds after he stopped whistling, he had the cone in his hands.
so itchy backside me, whistled back the following line nonchalantly.
then i looked at him, hahah, his expression.
that kinda " hmmm, did i hear wrongly ? did u do that ? "
he cocked an eye brow, and momentarily froze on the spot hahaha.
what was the song hahahah, Mahler 1 mvt 4.
thats self entertainment hahaha.

something happened in the bus earlier on, which made me feel a little guilty,
and which also caused me to some what reflect on similiar pass incidents.
well, there was this hunched old man waiting at the bus stop
when the bus came in. so it stopped, and alighted a passenger.
the elderly man got up from the benched only after the bus had completely stopped.
as he was reaching the front doors of the bus, it just started to drive off.
maybe the elderly guy wanted to enquire about its route,
or maybe he just realised it was his bus. now, the thing is.
the guy that alighted wanted to help stop the bus,
but was unable to the driver's attention and therefore failed to stop it.
me on the other hand, was perfectly capable of doing so,
i just needed to hit the button in front of me.
yet, i hesitated, thought about whether i should have done so,
and by then, the elderly man had missed the chance of maybe
reaching his destination earlier.

that led me to reflect on pass situations where i was perfectly capable to help
another person yet because of my hesitation, i lost the chance of doing it.
some might say its not your fault, no i am not taking it that way.
rather, i find it strange that i would hesitate acting for a good reason.
and therefore, there is some guilt because i did not help.
it doesn't feel right when you think about it.
well, its not always that you need to do something wrong for a wrong to be done.
it could be also, that you have not done something,
therefore a wrong has been committed.
like sentence said during a catholic mass,
" in my thoughts, in my words,
in what i have done and in what i have FAILED to do "

i realised something at work today, dun wanna say exactly what it is
cause i dun want people to say i am boasting or what.
its not something that i really have control over, its something thats a gift from birth.
like today, i got a very shy reponse just by smiling back.
its something that very evident, body language is quite loud.
and i get nicknames from my colleagues and stuff.
the ladies dressed pretty formally? they are the boldest among all.
with those eyes and stuff. they don't shift their eyes downwards or something
when i reply their glance with a friendly smile ( customers mah ).
they look straight into mine. not like with anger or anything.
with the same intensity and for a reason that would cause me to
wanna get the order taken as quickly as possible. its, scary lol.
elderly couples, maybe because it has a decent feature about it.
it makes striking conversations with them, pretty easy.
and it sometimes becomes a topic for jokes haha.
like there was once, when Elvin served a dish to a group of girls.
he returned to the counter and he said,
"eh mitchell, their next dish you serve la, i dont wanna serve them already.
they say you *** never say me. hurt my feelings. "
the rest of us were literally laughing out loud. he of cause wasn't hurt.
just cracked a joke out of the girls' conversation.
and i jokingly told bella off about calling me that today.
cause i really do not like people calling me that, though i respond to it :x
yeah !! i told her off hahah, i managed to tell her off about something hahaah.
well, its a gift as well as, some might say, a curse.
its up for one to decide which it is, or maybe even both.

oh yeah, the kitchen today was hahaha, like a club compared to the rest of gelare.
brought my lappy down today. wanted to copy some songs from my friend's
cd then returned the CDs to her y today. failed to do so, forgot it was waffle day.
super busy day ahaha. anyway yeah, brought it, played music, just up the vol.
there are no speakers or anything installed in the kitchen, so its pretty quiet.
save the dish washing machine when its running.
so yeah, bodys moving to the beat of the music, in the kitchen ahaha.
make the sandwich / pasta, wash the dishes while doing your thing haha.
its pretty infectious, that kinda high mood hahah.
and those tired ones, when they enter, they leave the kitchen as
though they just started work ahhaa.
music, it does wonders. a remedy for many if not all types of illness.
especially when it has something to do with emotions.
music totally dissolves through all the barriers any emotion creates.
it touches the inner soul with ease.
what happened though, that really scared me ahha.
was that the area come operations manager came down.
and she entered the kitchen, and the music was going on and on hahaha.
she didn't say anything though, but that doesn't mean approval.
especially when the lappy was plugged to a power point. yikes. hahaha.

ok, tomorrow's plans. only meeting her around 6pm.
she has work so yeah, no plans before that. hmmmm.
actually wanna head down to the cc, practice some parts,
then head go renew my passport expiry date.
not sure if they charge though, shall find out from dad tomorrow.
if they do, then i needed get some cash if i intend to get it done.
think that's most likely. since i cant practice like 5 hrs at one shot.
shall take a few things into consideration. not sure if i wanna head to the CC.
there would be sectionals on sat anyway,
yet it ain't responsible to not know your parts or at least do some work on it first.
really wanna play my clarinet as well. 2 more months, not long from now.
i can last longer already, fast than i thought it would take.
shall change my practice method. with regards to another matter of cause.
i never worked with the tick tock tock tock thing when i do self practice.
neither do i use the tuner, big bad mistake. dont have the habit of doing so.
recently started using more of the tuner though.
its the tick tock tick tock thing now hahaha. tick tock tock, cant spell it, sry.
that mechanism i mean, i cant spell it out, its name. metronum ? hahaha.
ok, i tried hahahah.

relationship, that word took on a new meaning today, for me.
i cant explain how and i dunch wanna explain why haha.
its just different, its now like a mixture of,
rationalized thoughts, and feelings, combined as one.
it ain't just about emotions, so raw and vulnerable to changes around us.
by being rational with our thoughts of our feelings and other related matters.
we can more or less predict some stuffs and acertain our inner feelings.
we may be open to expressing certain feelings, yet at the same time,
certain other feelings, we keep to ourselves.
sometimes we have questions that some of us prefer to not ask,
out of fear of losing that someone by provocation of some emotions in that person.
so these kinda stuff, we keep it to ourselves, yet, it bugs us to find out.
so by being open to discussion, by reasoning.
we sometimes get our questions answered without directly asking.
or we may not even ask at all but the question still gets answered.
well, there's a whole lot more to relationships.
i have only just unpeeled the layer of covering at the surface.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:23


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